It is one of the most common questions when search the keywords, and is the one thing that stumps most people who are researching potential niches for online business

I agree. Keyword analysis is a crucial part of SEO. You ranking will depend on how competitive your target keywords are.

Keywords are the aspects which brings you good search results in SE's and makes you website visible. Keyword analysis is very important if one need success.

you can try google keyword tools for this dude... it helps a lot especially for all the newbies out there... :)

well, keywords should be used in the right place where necessary, and the density should be in between 3.5% to 5%, which will benefit you in better search results and a good rank.

Keyword analysis is particularly crucial because if you choose the wrong keywords you risk jeopardising months or or years of ongoing SEO work. It is important to ensure you have the right keywords not necessarily the most searched ones. Sometimes it might be better to choose variations which have less competition.

yes Keyword Analysis is the starting phase of SEO . its depend of site and its business.

yes I agree keyword is very crucial, wrong keyword would mean nothing at all.. You must find the right keyword for your site.. You can try google adwords to find the right keyword for you..

keywords research is one of most important thing for IM,it's worthy of time to select a very good keyword.there are many tools can help us to do that.

keywords research is one of most important thing for IM,it's worthy of time to select a very good keyword.there are many tools can help us to do that.

are there any tools that you could recommend. i know of adwords and googleSK - anything else out there?

Google Adwords Keyword suggester and the combination of looking for high paying adsense keywords from Spyfu can really influence your earnings.

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