Please share your experience that how to build quality backlinks for your websites.

Don't forget link quality over than quantity. You can increase your back links by doing article submissions, Blogs, Forums, Bookmarking etc...

try to get registered in relevant forum and get your backlinks from that site..
also try to comment on the relevant blogs so that they will also support you

It's all about having content that people will want to link to. It also helps to use the 'Tweet This' and 'Facebook This' icons on your articles, to increase sharing through social media platforms.

Article submission is a nice way to get permanent and quality backlinks.. As long that article directory will exist, your article will remain there and will act as a source to provide you traffic also

Dir. Submission give you quality back-linking...

I think forum posting is best.

I want to learn seo, how do i get backlinks?

Sounds like I'm playing SEO doctor again ...

Acquiring backlinks is easy, get them from web surfers. Start by offering a web presentation that is completely brand new to the Internet. What I mean by this is to try creating web content that is both intelligent and uniquely useful. Use your words to construct sentences and headings for your web pages. Don't just make a mish mash of everyone else's webshit; craft obviously important content intentionally. Think about offering the kind of stuff that Internaughts naturally would want to link to? Frequently that may mean an Internet marketer requires to venture beyond your existing web site(s) into adding a CMS (content management system) component to your web site promotion strategy (ie: a corporate blog).

The search engines (are suppose to be built to) highly reward the pages they discover whose off-site influences are a natural phenomena and not some puke pumped up from a trendy linking scheme. Important webpages get precedencewhen the searchengines decide to offer a qualified searcher some valuable web pages most applicable for a keyword (and most often for keyphrase) search. Web pages and websites need to be well optimized too, internally! Real good evolving content is of value based on its own merit, but of course, it's not always that way in the SERPs (search engine results pages). If you can highly rank web pages in competitively searched keyphrase arena then there's no real need to seek external empowerment; to go backling hunting. Any desire to go on a backlinking frenzy should be comforted when one become an optimizer.

Do do follow article submission, blog commenting participate in forums and bookmark your website in do follow social bookmarking websites.

There are plenty of ways to build quality back links. you can do social book marking, directory submission, blog commenting, forums, and social media.

From article submission,Forum posting, link submission and blog comments is the best way from which you can get quality backlinks to your site.

Hi, sanjeevkr

1. The most natural channels for quality backlinks would be via link baiting. You need to attract backlinks via quality articles on your sites.
2. Contextual backlinks with correct keywords as anchor text would be another quality backlinks. You could achieve this via blogging, article submission, press releasing and others.

all the best,

Article marketing and social bookmarking are the best.

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