I do believe that some marketing plans should not incorporate facebook or twitter because it may not reach the right audience. For example, one business is funeral or death related. When do you think Facebook or Twitter is not appropriate in your marketing plan?

Definitely, because it can provide me more traffic. so i need to work with those social networking sites.

Of course. We mainly use Twitter and Facebook to get traffic for our site.

They also help to spread the word about our sites.

No man, whatever the case, those facebook or twitter will help to get more traffic, In your case death or funeral, say, you tweet about the service which you offer for funeral, and your followers may aware of it, once he/she is in need to get your service when his/her friend/relative dies, he/she may contact you for the service.... :)

So, always these social networks help to get more profit.

So social media is like the virtual word of mouth?

For me, Twitter and Facebook, and other social networking sites can help a lot in advertising and marketing products online. As a consumer, one can also learn something out from these products based on the testimonials of people as posted in their twitters or facebook shoutouts

I find twitter is a nice channel for increasing traffic though such traffics might have lower conversion rate than I receive from SERP. But, facebook looks not so good for me regarding marketing.


Yes they are part of social media marketing program... I believe a strong presence there can help your company.

You just need to understand the people who go to social sites are there to socialize. They are not there to buy. It's way better doing SEO or PPC campaigns.

Now that Facebook has expanded options for developers - I wonder if businesses will incorporate these new add-ons to expand their social media presence.

I think that everyone should choose the type of websites which one want to use in order to gain a traffic according to the type of business they have. For most people FB&Twitter are a really great solutions, but for someone they are not good and useless. It depends indeed...That's why I highly recommend before to start your SEO-action you should make a list of websites which are going to be the main sourse of traffic, you should also do some researches if necessary, because if you choose right methods&sources you will succeed in very short time!

Thank you

For me my all marketing campaigns are incomplete without social media platform like twitter and facebook.

Even i am involved in some other social platforms which can make my business and marketing reputed. These are:

and many more.

Definitely man and I think that 95% of total seo people use them for marketing.

According to me, Facebook, Twitter are all Social Media ways for promotion. Facebook and twitter are two very god social networking sites in terms of popularity and gives good back links.

I do believe that some marketing plans should not incorporate facebook or twitter because it may not reach the right audience. For example, one business is funeral or death related. When do you think Facebook or Twitter is not appropriate in your marketing plan?

Definitely social media be helpful for the marketing and also for the better results. But the need is to connect with right people from whom you can get the information which be beneficial for your business and to build the strategy for more success. But if one is follow or discuss with such people that are not related to your market and totally of the different market then believe that you are not on the right direction even if with the social media. So always connect with the right people , make discussion with them and provide them the best and useful information then you will get the benefit through social media.

I do believe that some marketing plans should not incorporate facebook or twitter because it may not reach the right audience. For example, one business is funeral or death related. When do you think Facebook or Twitter is not appropriate in your marketing plan?

na! not really. it's basically about the company. more of a corporate one rather than cyber stuffs. Offshore Lease Staff

It all depends on the website and but the owner of the website needs. If it needs great traffic and to promote his services and products and can say company then no one is other that Facebook and Twitter.

Yaa sure , i also used social networking sites like twitter and facebook because these are high pr sites of web promotion and web get traffic and backlinks from here.

Yes, definitely. Twitter and Facebook are the popular social networking sites among the people today. You would definitely end up getting more traffic to your website using these networking sites.

Ya its true that the social sites an important role in advertisement. When a new product comes, its posted in social sites. So people get to know all the details of it.

thanks for your help...

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