The Twitbox 360

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Gamers have got to love the E3 Expo, especially Microsoft gamers who are into the social side of the Xbox experience. If they happen to be obsessed with Twitter as well as Xbox Live then Microsoft had some good news to announce for them at E3: a Twitter client for the Xbox 360 with that all important Xbox Live look and feel to the interface. You might think of it as being the Twitbox 360 from the fall, in fact. I certainly will, as I cannot imagine anything worse than trying to use Twitter from the games console, ordinary web surfing is awkward enough without arsing around with text entry. Actually, I can think of something worse than Twitter via the Xbox, which after all is restricted by its nature to short text messages, and that is Facebook.

It should come as no surprise that Microsoft has an interest in Facebook, it also has an investment. A rather large $240 million one in fact. But anyway, Microsoft did also demonstrate a Facebook 360 client complete with photo browsing and profile stream viewing etc. Sure, some aspects of it are cool such as Facebook Connect which is due to arrive at the same time and which will enable Xbox users to broadcast their achievements etc through Facebook profiles, but on the whole it seems a monumental waste of time.

But then again, that kind of sums up Facebook doesn't it?