I just got the game Oblivion and i barely met the hardware requirements. I have a Radeon 9800pro which didnt come with my computer, i got it off a friend a few years ago for 100 dollars out of his alienware. My computer only has about 1-2 fans and a little gid for circulitory ventalation. The morning after installing this game my computer was really noisy and had a smell like a brand new computer, that kinda smell like the parts are gettin moved for the first time. I think it might not even be related to buying the game but i dont know, when i woke up with all the noise it sounded like a fan spinning really fast and the side where my motherboard is near the CD drives and hard drive was REALLY hot. I had no idea what to do so i put a house fan near my computer to send air through the grid and cool the sides a bit. The fan is totally normal now but if i turn off the house fan the noise starts again. :evil: . I have a friend who owns a computer store down the block and i am going to take it to him to get all repairs done, i have a cd drive broken as well and i kind of need a new hard drive. What should i do about the fan or if anyone thinks it is a different component other than the fan, PLEASE let me know. :p i really appreciate the help in advanced.

Thank you in advanced

Just because the fan is loud, doesnt mean it is broken, or that it needs replacing. The reason it goes on really loud is because it is spinning really really fast because its trying to cool down your computer. Playing Oblivion will deffinatly run your cpu near full utilization while playing the game which will make the pc really hot inside. The only way to get the hot air out is the little fan in the back.

You could relpace the fan with a quiter one, but generally these run slower and do not cool as well which could lead to premature failure of parts with in the computer, or it could lead to frequent lockups/freezing issues.

ya i figured out the problem, i checked out the back with the case off and it seems the fan on the power supply wasn't moving at all i gave it a push with a tac and it started up again, seems it was just jammed. Im also getting a 120 fan below the power supply so i have a little extra vent, my friend has a spare so it = mine :D

ya i figured out the problem, i checked out the back with the case off and it seems the fan on the power supply wasn't moving at all i gave it a push with a tac and it started up again, seems it was just jammed. Im also getting a 120 fan below the power supply so i have a little extra vent, my friend has a spare so it = mine :D

There you go, sounds like it will do the trick. As an added suggestion for the time being that you have your case open, it may be wise to use an air compressor or get some canned air and blow out the dust from the heatsinks, fans, and power supply. It will keep your fans happy, quieter, and live longer, as well as the rest of your pc's components :) I'm glad you've got your problem squared away :)

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