I own a clevo 2700t laptop - it has been very very hot lately and it literally burns on my lap as im using it.
I ran speedfan and it calculated to temperatures from 60 to 70 degrees?
what should i do?

There are several things that can cause over heating, but the easiest to check for is dust and pet fur impeding the air circulation. Buy a can of compressed air and blow out the computer. Another thing to look for is that the fans are running, case fan, CPU heat sink fan...

With temperatures that high I'm surprised you computer isn't shutting down.

With temperatures that high I'm surprised you computer isn't shutting down.

yeah it has a couple of times

60 to 70 degrees C is like 140 to 158 degrees F, your computer should be shutting down a lot at those temperatures. I don't know about fanspeed, but I have seen utilities like this produce bad inaccurate readings. Go into the BIOS and see what the temperatures are reading. You could also download Everest Home Editon which will display what the BIOS is reading, this will allow you to read the temperature without entering the BIOS.

Have you tried cleaning it out yet? If you are comfortable disassembling the laptop to clean it you can google for instructions for your make and model.

thanks for your help guys
the speedfan readings are slightly off from everest but the laptop feels hot underneath, I am going to take the laptop apart and get rid of any dust, I spoke to a guy at a computer shop and he said that beneath the cpu may contain dust and to reseat everything, i will use thermal paste too so dont worry about it melting :)

my thinkpad had this problem. I disassembled it and cleaned out the fan and heatsink and applied better thermal paste (arctic silver rocks)

my thinkpad had this problem. I disassembled it and cleaned out the fan and heatsink and applied better thermal paste (arctic silver rocks)

I applied new paste, There was no dust in the laptop at all, and i noticed its running at around 52 degrees now -- The cd drive and RAM seem to be extremely hot too - I can tell from when the laptop is burning from underneath . What can i do about that?

What are your voltages looking like?

What are your voltages looking like?

I think everest documented it around V2.25

the ram in laptops always gets very hot its a known issue

50-60 degrees is fairly average

the ram in laptops always gets very hot its a known issue

50-60 degrees is fairly average

yeah im fine about the ram - its the overheating cd drive and floppy im worried about as it is causing everything else to heat up

well, most laptops tend to leave the disc warm to the touch, but it shouldnt be too hot

well, most laptops tend to leave the disc warm to the touch, but it shouldnt be too hot

its extremely hot though, it literally burns my legs and sometimes smells of burning

usually there kinda burny but burning your legs sounds bad

can you step the cpu speed down? (speedstep? coolnquiet?) i usually turn my old laptop down from 1.2 to 750

I will give it a go

no luck, the hdd is very hot when i feel it, I have been using a different power plug ac adapter since i got the laptop
is it possible that im using the wrong voltage? its 24v 1.8a output

The DC output voltage for that Clevo should be 19.0V @ 3.2A.

Hi to everybody

I have a similar problem with my Benq Joybook S72. It is overheating and i would like to clean the fan and the heatsink. Does anybody know how to open my laptop?

Thanks in advance for any advice


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