EnderX 352 Posting Shark

If this is in the wrong place, I apologize, and humbly ask that my query be relocated to the correct forum. Thank you.

Recently, my boss requested that I put together a Delphi program for use on a number of computer systems in the area. Some of these systems are using Windows XP, as my own develpment box does, others were using Windows98. The program was delivered a few days ago, and it seems that the 98 boxes are having trouble with something.

On two Win98 boxes so far (others have been told not to install until this gets solved), installing my program from the CD seems to have done something to the Novell networking software on the systems. After installing my program and rebooting, the systems in question apparently throw an error somewhere near the Novell login screen, freezing the system before it can get into Windows.

The error message being given is "Unable to load the Dynamic Link Library novellDP.DLL one of the lib files needed to run this application could not be found 'something' on all of the following 'something' not available." Sorry, but the only copy of the message I have is a handwritten copy that was faxed to us; I have no clue what the two 'something' instances say.

I packaged my program to send out with InstallShield Express. In addition to the .exe file, Installshield wanted to include the following list of files:

In the System32 directory:

In the subdirectory System32\Redist\MS\System:

Does anyone know which of these files might have interefered with the novellDP.DLL file, or what might be done to correct the issue in the future?

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