Dani 4,187 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

I found this in a few different places around the 'net - hopefully it's helpful:

Use the Desktop Cleanup Wizard in Windows XP

To start the Desktop Cleanup Wizard:

  • Click Start , and then click Control Panel.
  • In Control Panel, click Appearance and Themes under Pick a category.
  • Under or pick a Control Panel icon , click Display. The Display Properties dialog box is displayed.
  • In the Display Properties dialog box, click the Desktop tab, and then click Customize Desktop. The Desktop Items dialog box is displayed.
  • Under Desktop cleanup , click to clear the Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days check box if you do not want the Desktop Cleanup Wizard to automatically start every 60 days.
  • Click Clean Desktop Now. The Desktop Cleanup Wizard starts.