For anyone else having problems with mouse and keyboard problem turned out to be the Keylogger.trojan virus which was in my windows\system file.
For whatever reason Norton could not clean the virus off the machine until I went to safe mode.
I hope this helps someone else!!!

For anyone else having problems with mouse and keyboard problem turned out to be the Keylogger.trojan virus which was in my windows\system file.
For whatever reason Norton could not clean the virus off the machine until I went to safe mode.
I hope this helps someone else!!!

I have had the same problem for the last month by mouse and keyboard just don't work!!! How did you clear it off? Also where in windows\systems do you locate it?


I found the virus when I updated Nortan and ran a full system scan. Because of where the virus was, I had to go into safe mode to re-run Nortan and have it delete the virus.

For anyone else having problems with mouse and keyboard problem turned out to be the Keylogger.trojan virus which was in my windows\system file.
For whatever reason Norton could not clean the virus off the machine until I went to safe mode.
I hope this helps someone else!!!

Hey buddy, that just might belp me im havin mad issues with that im gonna go check it out thanks!

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