can anybody give me a solution why my computer screen is blinking when I am reading the web page of news paper

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please give an urgent repley why my computer screen blinking while opening certain web page of newpaper

Well, we don't know what you mean by a blinking screen. Screens don't blink. Cursors blink.

So a fuller description of what's happening is necessary. Including the URL concerned.

otherwise how can we help you?

commented: Smart and concise wording of the needs of the forum. +1

probably cause a by a plugin that has stared up on the news papers site ,just a guess

Are you stupid Suspishio? Of course computer screens blink. And to Bindu: It means they need to be replaced. Altho, you can still get a few more miles out of them if you turn down the brightness and contrast.

Bindu: You aren't stupid. Suspishio is.

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