Hi... I am a "brand new-bie" here, so please be kind if this is a dumb question.

Here is the situation: I have a DELL Laptop XPS M1210, running Windows VISTA. I live in a building which is networked into a University high speed network via Ethernet connections... In order to use both a desktop and a laptop, I have installed a router and all is great. But I want to stop connecting wirelessly and instead plug my laptop directly into the network via a Ethernet cable.

BUT: my laptop insists on searching for a wireless network and will not allow me to connect directly to the University network.

Is there anything I can do to disable the search for available wireless signals on my laptop?

Thanks, really!

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The easiest way to stop your laptop searching for available wireless networks would be to switch the wireless adapter off. This is on the left side of your laptop according to the manual.

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