I didn't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here and if any mod wants to move it them be my guest. I want to write my own ftp console application that would interpret the info and display it in a command-prompt like window. The only thing that I don't understand to get this off the ground is the initial command to be sent. I looked at the RFC for FTP but it was very confusing, so I am wondering what is the first command you send to the server to let it know that you are requesting to log in. Do you just send the user/pass info and check for a response or is their a command to begin the session? Thanks in advance.

Your best bet with getting started is downloading wireshark and sniffing an FTP session you control. As you move around and execute tasks on the FTP session you will see the command request/reponses. As you begin to get more familiar with FTP you can take a stab at reading the RFC :)

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