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I'm trying to understand what schema markup code is and how it works. From what I've gathered, it's a way to help search engines understand the content on a webpage better, but I'm not entirely sure how it's implemented or what benefits it provides. Can someone explain in detail: 1. …

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Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

I have seen many people struggling with Reading files and writing files in java, also a great problem is how to edit a file too. So in this code snippet I have put all these problems into one small program in hopes to help others. So this code snippet will …

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# Comparison Between Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3 Turbo for Text Classification In one of my previous articles, I showed you how to perform [zero-shot text classification using OpenAI GPT-4o and Meta Llama 3 models](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542001/openai-gpt-4o-vs-meta-llama-3-for-zero-shot-text-classifiation). I used the default models for predicting sentiments of airline tweets. The default models perform substantially …

Member Avatar for Stefce

Does all .apk files can be decompiled no matter on how they are protected and secured, and recompile back in apk file? I have an apk file which i need the source code to change something a little bit. I tried using [javadecompilers](http://www.javadecompilers.com) but i did not get the main …

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Member Avatar for cambalinho

heres my RayCasting code on VB2010(it can be another programming language, i will get the same bug): Private Function GetPositionMap(ByVal Position As Double) As Integer Return fix(Position / ObjectSize) End Function Private Sub DrawRays() Dim StepX As Double Dim StepY As Double Dim VertX As Double Dim VertY As Double …

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Member Avatar for pyeri

Folks, We already know about CodeIgniter and its enormous capabilities as a PHP framework, this very site being a testament of it. But what about an even smaller micro-framework for PHP? Something along the lines of Flask or Bottle? Something you can use to develop things like REST API, prototyping …

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Member Avatar for Dani

I was consistently receiving MySQL "Packets out of order" error messages when attempting to connect to MySQL, mostly on my AJAX pages, but I couldn't attribute it to anything or reproduce it in any way. I did notice, however, that when switching MySQL persistent connections from on to off, the …

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OpenAI announced the [GPT-4o (omni)](https://community.openai.com/t/announcing-gpt-4o-in-the-api/744700) model on May 13, 2024. The GPT-4o model, as the name suggests, can process multimodal inputs, such as text, image, and speech. As per OpenAI, GPT-4o is the state-of-the-art and best-performing large language model. Among GPT-4o's many capabilities, I found its ability to analyze images …

Member Avatar for Olive34

This is not really a question, since I can make it work. It's just something I have not seen before and I think it is odd. I'm writing some unit tests. One test works fine, but when I change a parameter for another test, it gives an error. The parameters …

Member Avatar for Ellsaheranny
Member Avatar for Dani

DaniWeb is built on top of the Codeigniter 3.1.x PHP framework. Although I probably should have built it as a CI model, here is the database library that we are using. You can see it mainly serves as a wrapper for CodeIgniter's built-in database class. You can see we use …

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Member Avatar for Seema_7

What's the best cloud accounting software for small businesses that handle multiple sales tax rates? Or is there an affordable web-based small business accounting software?

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Member Avatar for Nina0X

Anyone is building Uniswap V4 Hooks? Would love to learn more about what you are working on, looking for developers' pain points to contribute through Uniswap V4 Hook Developer's assistant chatbot!

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samzz

Hello, I would like to wrap (surround) all words "flyer" (case insensitive) in the HTML text content, not those in the link. My RegEx works fine on Regex101: https://regex101.com/r/NVmXd1/1 Attached, my HTML file to test my (non working) JS RegEx. Thank you and regards.

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Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

On April 18, 2024, Meta AI released [Llama 3](https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3/), which they claimed to be the most capable openly available LLM to date. Concurrently, OpenAI announced [GPT-4o (omni)](https://community.openai.com/t/announcing-gpt-4o-in-the-api/744700) on May 13, 2024, which is touted as the state-of-the-art proprietary model for various NLP benchmarks. As a guy who loves to compare …

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

How can I include objects in each other using PHP OOP? I have 3 classes all classes make use of one another. I am trying to call them on `__construct` but it's creating an infinite calls to one another. How can I solve this?

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Member Avatar for Dani

Just as the title states, do non-web based email clients (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) respect CSP HTTP headers? Specifically, I want to prevent hotlinking of images hosted on my domain within HTML emails with these HTTP headers: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin Vary: Origin

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I'm currently working on enhancing the user experience for the <snipped> app, and I've run into a bit of a roadblock. I'm trying to optimize the game lobby to ensure smooth navigation and quick loading times, especially as our user base continues to grow. However, I'm finding that even with …

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Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi All, Good day. I am trying to develop a roster for my team in Microsoft Power Apps. We are 6 teammates which do the duty in following format. SUMMERS: 6A, 6B, 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B WINTERS: 7A, 7B, 11A, 11B, 1A, 1B. Please note that in every shift there …

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Member Avatar for jkon

I don't love Reddit , in fact before Google started to slap it on my face few months ago , I had many years to been there for a simple reason· I didn't liked their format nor their way of "building" a programmers community. Now everything I search in Google …

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In this tutorial, you will see how to generate stunning AI-generated images from text inputs using state-of-the-art diffusion models from [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/). You'll learn about base diffusion models and how combining them with a refiner creates even more detailed, refined results. Diffusion models are powerful because they iteratively refine an …

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Member Avatar for Oven

Im trying to code a lem-in project. https://github.com/01-edu/public/tree/master/subjects/lem-in Im coding in go lang. But its okay in another language tho. I can convert it to go. Me and my friends cant even solve the algorithm neither. ChatGPT is stuck and in the web i found a 800 rows of code. …

Programming c c++ python
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## Introduction Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has revolutionized how we interact with devices, making accessing content through auditory means easier. TTS is vital in various applications such as virtual assistants, audiobooks, accessibility tools for the visually impaired, and language learning platforms. This tutorial will explore how to convert text-to-speech using Hugging …

Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I want to display different html tags on the php page they are visiting, for example on the homepage and the computer shop basildon page I want the html tag `<section class="testimonal-two pt-0">` and on all other pages I want the code `<section class="testimonal-two">` Below is the code I have …

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Hello everyone, I have a task in which I would like to implement the graphical visualisation of a quadratic equation in the interval x =[-10,10] and - if any exist - the corresponding zeros, using CanvasRenderingContext2D methods. To convert the coordinates into pixel coordinates within the canvas: the coordinates into …

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Member Avatar for Nico_3

Hallo, I have an AP, connected to a router with 2 repeaters connected. I need to know when unknown users connect (play alert) and test if users are connected and if routers are online (play notification). Also test Internet connection. All in one solution. I have in mind you use …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I want to understand how I can add an SDK to my PHP projects to make APIs calls. I noticed that every software company have an SDK. I also noticed that most SDKs use Composer. I don't know what composer is and do I need to have it for every …

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About a year ago, I had a similar issue except then system would crash after pressing Submit. The issue was caused because of PHP 8 incompatibility problems. However, got the coding to fix all of that and things worked good again and with PHP 8. But now something new is …

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The End.