75 Topics

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Member Avatar for M.S.

This is and answer to one of the Vegaseat's recent projects for beginners. I share my solution here because -as a begginer and do learn python as a hobby- I need your feedback. So please tell me am I doing it the right way? Thanks in advance for comments from …

Member Avatar for M.S.
Member Avatar for dinhunzvi

i have a problem. i have a table that has one column that should accept one of a set of defined values. i know in MySQL i use the following command to create the table: CREATE TABLE tblstudents ( studentID int( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, lastName VARCHAR( 20 …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for prancode

how do I set a shortcut key for 1 of the textboxes in vb.net. When I goto the textbox and press F3, then it should give the current date in the textfield...Can somebody help me with this?? Thanks in advance..:)

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for merse

Wats wrong with this? std::vector<std::set<unsigned long> > surroundings; std::set<unsigned long> empty (); X = std::vector<std::set<unsigned long> > (N,empty); (where N is an ulong)

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for coutnoob

Hi again and thanks in advance !Any help would be very appreciated cause i'm having a test tomorrow and i need some help! So i wanna have a class called Bag and a subclass Set.In bag we have 2 constructors, an insert function , getsize function , getsum (which adds …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Baduizm

I Have This Workers List: private List<Worker> buildWorkerList( Producer producer ) { List<Worker> workerList = new ArrayList<Worker>( 11 ); workerList.add( new WorkerImpl( "Garnett", producer ) ); workerList.add( new WorkerImpl( "Durant", producer ) ); workerList.add( new WorkerImpl( "Xavier", producer ) ); workerList.add( new WorkerImpl( "Daniel", producer ) ); workerList.add( new WorkerImpl( …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi Everyone, Hoping someone here can help me fix this problem I have of setting a cookie variable from a databse $id = $row["id"]; variable. This seems to work fine when using session data, but I am trying to use cookies and I am a bit stuck. . . here …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for FALL3N

hey... I wat to change the... well, the cursor (the little blinking thing in a text area where subsequent typing appears) in a JTextArea. [U]Not[/U] the pointer (the mouse icon showing where on the screen the mouse is cuz some ppl thought that was wat I meant) but the cursor …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for freedomflyer

I am trying to implement within a class I call State some sort of mapping from a String to a set of States. So far, I have something like this as the initialization of this concept: [CODE]Map<String, HashSet<State>> mapping = new HashMap<String, HashSet<State>>();[/CODE] However, when I perform something like this: …

Member Avatar for freedomflyer
Member Avatar for dedmon

I kind of lost here... I have the book but it does not show the loop... I want to use je 100 but this is not the same language Using the IAS computer instruction set to write a program for the following C(I)=A(I) + B(I) for I = 1,2,... 100 …

Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy , I have a question : I live in a campus where all computers are in a LAN , in each room there is a rooter or switch that makes another LAN for that room so i could say it is a LAN in another LAN. I saw that …

Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja
Member Avatar for hsetaknev
Member Avatar for tomprice0189

Hi all, So here is my situation: 2 classes 1st class is a windows form created in VS2008. It has a picture box on it which i want to update with images. 2nd class is a custom class called 'camera' which uses the AForge.Net framework to grab images from my …

Member Avatar for SANJAY26
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

I'm not sure why...but everything just started appearing more than once on my T.V and there are lines going across in two's... DLP Projection TV Specifications Screen Size 62" diagonal Screen Aspect 16:9 Displayable Colors 16.77 million colors Data Signals (N/A) TV Scan Lines 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i Input Terminals …

Member Avatar for megatron21

I am trying to print out a chess board on the console. The data structure i am using is a set of pairs. I am having trouble accessing the pair's elements. I do realize a map is probably better in this case but i am using somebody else's code so …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas

Question: Write a single statement that chooses a random number from each of the following sets: a) 2,4,6,8,10 b) 3,5,7,9,11 c) 6,10,14,18,22 I wrote the following statement for the set (a): [CODE](1 + (rand() % 5)) * 2;[/CODE] but I am unable to write ones for sets (b) and (c). …

Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas
Member Avatar for Ravenn

hi, i'm using an excel add-in which creates protected sheets where i can select options in different controls (like listboxes). I need to have a process run at intervals but this option is not included in the add-in. The process is initiated by selecting "Starts" from a listbox. Is there …

Member Avatar for Kevingon

Hi, I'm trying to set custom fonts, I can do it without problem with this code: [CODE] InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/src/someFontName.ttf"); Font f=null; try { f = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT,is).deriveFont(15f); } catch (FontFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PanelLiquidacion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PanelLiquidacion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } txtPlace=new JTextField();txtPlace.setBounds(185,10,310,20); if(f!=null){ txtPlace.setFont(f); lblPlace.setFont(f); …

Member Avatar for Kevingon
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi frendz, Can we set a value for a session variable through javascript onclick event? (or) How can we set a global variable for the whole website using javascript?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for dlindner999

I'm still pretty new to this and I need some help. Here's the situation. First the user opens a form to select which database (one of 3) they are working in. Then they will be using several forms. The same set of forms are always used no matter which database …

Member Avatar for dlindner999
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

First time poster here... My VB.NET program compacts and repairs my DB, but somewhere in the process unsets the database password. No problem, just reset it through VB, right? Ummm... not sure how to go about that task. So I either need to know how to compact it without losing …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for HANSRAJ SUNEJA

I have an old working computer in a good condition with a colour screen , cpu with cd-rom ,floopy disk etc.it has a memory of 20 gb hard disk & 32mb ram.its speed is about 1.88ghz.the set consists of a stabilizer along with it.it operates on windows 95. -ketan daman(india). …

Member Avatar for tigerbright
Member Avatar for Sandhya212

Hi, I need to find the 'length' of union between 2 vectors. The code I have is[CODE] vector<int> v1,v2; vector<int> unionsetv; vector<int>::iterator it; v1.push_back(1);v1.push_back(2);v1.push_back(3); v2.push_back(3);v2.push_back(2);v2.push_back(4); it = set_union(v1.begin(),v1.end(),v2.begin(),v2.end(),back_inserter(unionsetv)); cout << unionsetv.size()<< " "; cout << int(it - unionsetv.begin())<< " " ; [/CODE] I could not get this to work and …

Member Avatar for Sandhya212
Member Avatar for leftovas17

Yes, I have looked in the forums for answers and have found plenty, and am asking about what I could not find. And yes, this is homework, but I need help and my professor has not responded thus far... now on to business. Description of Goal: Make a Set Data …

Member Avatar for leftovas17
Member Avatar for Eman84

How do I set the default font on photoshop 8. Every time, I use the text tool to edit something in a text box, the font changes!! and I'm working on a book, means, large amount of images and text boxes, and, sometimes, the text box contains more than one …

Member Avatar for Eman84
Member Avatar for zeeya

Hello.. I'm new with java and have some problem with my assignment. I want to write a class named phoneBookEntry that has field for a person name and phone number. The class should have a constructor and appropriate accessor and mutator method. Then, write a main class that create five …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for curbster

Hi I'm in my first Java class, towards the end and am struggling with some code dealing with arrays. I'm not looking for the answers but am spinning my wheels (as usual) and am stuck on a particular problem. I'll list the problem here and then explain where I am …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for Girum1

I create a simple data base table using Microfoft SQL Server 2005 and i want to display this simple table as a hole in my form.I use DataSet and DataAdapter to communicate with my SQL data base.i try to pull all the record at data base in to the DataSet …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Slyvr

I'm working on a really basic text editor to save and open txt files. On my text area setLineWrap, it's giving me a "misplaced constructs" and "delete token" for the period and (true) For why? [CODE]/**Matthew Schrum *11/18/2010 */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.File; import …

Member Avatar for Slyvr
Member Avatar for fire_

Hello. I'm creating a program with dialog editor. How can i set bitmap on button? I set bitmap at properties to True. I tried to search on google but i could only find how to set bitmap on button created with CButton. Thank you

Member Avatar for mitrmkar

The End.