HI Guys
Here i want to discuss about Google + and Facebook. Please submit your review here.



According to the reviews:- Google+ is much advance from Facebook, but it takes some time to develop, as we see that its just a starting for Google+ but number of users are signed up in Google+.

It Show Google+ plus will definitely beat Facebook very soon.

Thanks :)

google + looks better . Lets see what will happen. It's telling that this is just a begining.

lot of facilities Google+ rather than facebook.It's more sufficient and work live video.

I feel that Google is one of the best search engine, 85% people of the world are used Google for search their query just like Face Book is also the best social networking website, no compression with any others.

I feel that Google is one of the best search engine, 85% people of the world are used Google for search their query just like Face Book is also the best social networking website, no compression with any others.


Kind your information. Google Launch new Social Bookmarking site Google +. check Google + and then give your review here.


Google+ is social networking site like Facebook and there are many new features and good looks.

Why does it have to be a "fight" between them?
It's not "Highlander"; there can be more than one, and each will likely do some things better than others, just like with people.

Unless you're just here to hype G+, in which case I'll start looking for the ignore button.

commented: A fine first post, considering the usual denizens of this sub-forum +17

well at the very moment there is no war between facebook and google+, but is gonna be great competition in future and it will impact on seo too.

This is not fight just comparison, now a day Facebook is very useful for your business promotion, it is a important point of Facebook as part of SEO.

Google+ and Facebook are equal but the google+ is shortly started we have to wait and see which is going to beat which

Google+ and Facebook are equal but the google+ is shortly started we have to wait and see which is going to beat which

yes its true, Google + is a new but good started and now a day we can't say about both. May be Google will do some more work compare to FB.

Do you people find Google+ anymore different from facebook? They both have the same ideas. Almost the same layout. Except for Google naming several of their features in a unique way, Google+ is very much similar to Facebook. The only thing Facebook doesn't have right now is the group video chat...the hangout feature and I think Facebook will soon come up with that.

Do you people find Google+ anymore different from facebook? They both have the same ideas. Almost the same layout. Except for Google naming several of their features in a unique way, Google+ is very much similar to Facebook. The only thing Facebook doesn't have right now is the group video chat...the hangout feature and I think Facebook will soon come up with that.

I am not sure about that news but May be Facebook join with skype for video chat.

Google+ is giving Is becoming the biggest competitor for facebook.

Google + get such a quick response from user but still they can't able to beat facebook.

I heard after initial pickup, Number of users on google+ is declining

its the world's playing like President or prime minister election

now face book is giving people too many service free

and getting increased user day by day, how Google is advance in search engine

and now Bing again trying to fight with google, same google is tryng to get the facebook's

field, that enough


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