I am making a guide and was thinking of instead of using the full links to the programs that I just use adf.ly. Can I do this? They are not my programs or my website but I want to shorten the url, but is this legal? Because I would be making money on the links to the open source programs. Thanks!

You believe that it is...illegal or legal?

well adf.ly is the website where you can short your url it's leagal and can post on any sites

first of all what is adf.ly? It seem like a thing that i need. I will like to create an online classify of jobs and bursaries what can this adf.ly help me. I know various website of which i love to like on my website so that i can generate traffic please help me guyz.

In my opinion it is legal to use adf.ly to shorten links for your guide, however keep in mind that they make money from advertising to pay their affiliates - you - which means that every visitor that will click on your link shortened by adf.ly will see an advertising banner before he will be forwarded to your website.

For those who do not know what Adf.ly is:

It is a free URL shortening service which
offers a nice twist for users - they get
paid for every click.

You get paid around 4.00 $ for 1000 visitors,
so do not expect to get rich quickly unless
you send a really decent amount of visitors
(and if you do bring more, consider some other
ways of monetizing your visitors, because
you could be potentially making nice profits,;))

There are other better ways to shorten the url.

What are the better ways? I hate to send people to a ton of bannered sites.

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