how can i earn adsense? i have a blog site, it has a good traffic, i try to register my blog to adsense account several time, but it was rejected by adsense.
can you tell me that how can i recover this problem?

Usually AdSense will give you a reason in the rejection letter, such as the website contains illegal content, etc. What, specifically, does the rejection letter say?

Does your site has content that adsense does not appy (for example sexual content, illegal downloads etc)? This is the main reason for the rejection.

If you think your blogs has quality content and following Google guidelines, then apply for adsense, after adsense approval you can create through your adsense account and post that code into your blogging sites and start earning.

Its better you should read the policies of applying before adsense so that you got an adsense account ....make your site according to it....then try your luck.......

thax for share this info.

Well, always use fresh content to your blog, it would help for earning money online, believe me.

Just check your blog that it follows all the google and adsense guidelines and everything is fine from your side, then try to contact the customer support and seek their help.

first you must read the terms and condition of google adsense .if you fulfill the google adsense police then apply there but remember one think your site or blog indexed in goole ,bing,yahoo and have a lot of backlinks and also good content that is not copy write ..you can also use infolink,amazone alternative of google adsense.

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