Hello all , Our website not ranking on google 1st page . We have done everything , content writing , back links, comments ..etc also spent huge money on google ads and Facebook ads, but no use for it. I have checked many website and their back link is very less also website speed is very less but their website is ranking good .Now our hope is "DANIWEB" . I need your suggestions and guidelines. our website is https://www.bismatrimony.com/


Soniya Bis

What keywords are you trying to rank on the first page for? I’m in bed now because I just woke up but I’ll check out your site a little bit later today.

Thanks for your reply . i have sent keywords to your chatbox . Regards

Hi Madam i am waiting for your reponse .

Check your on page SEO is it according to the google policies

So I'm investigating your homepage now. It does look like you have javascript in place that disables right clicking when your webpage is loaded. This is horrible for accessibility, and Google probably doesn't like that you're doing this and is penalizing you for it.

I do see that you're using schema.org to describe your organization, so that's good. Google does like that you have a legitimate address, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. because it shows that you're a real company with a real social media presence.

The page title on your homepage does look like keyword stuffing, and Google absolutely hates that. Your page title shoudl be your company name, like BisMatrimony, with an optional tagline. By having your page title be a list of keywords, it's a bad user experience, and you're probably being penalized for it, if not delisted entirely. The same goes for your twitter:title and og:title in your meta tags.

I notice you have: <meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp,noydr">

I would remove the robots tag entirely, or else change it to <meta name="robots" content="all">. index and follow are not valid. You can use noindex or nofollow, but not index or follow. Also, you're probably sending Google mixed messages by saying you don't want to be included in the Open Directory Project or in Yahoo Directory.

Good job having rel preloads. That probably is helping page performance a bit.

Also, you don't have a ridiculous number of third-party javascript libraries that are super slow loading, so that is good as well. It's also great that you're inlining your critical CSS.

If there are any interior pages you want me to pay particular attention to, tell me what they are, and I'll check them out.

At first glance of your homepage, however, the things that you're doing right are using schema.org JSON, social media accounts, limiting the number of javascript libraries and plugins, etc.

Where your problem lies is with some old school SEO tricks that were used by a lot of black hat people back in the day, and today any site that uses them, Google instantly considers spammy. You're doing way too much keyword stuffing. Stop keyword stuffing in your page title, a few other pages in your page body that I also saw keyword stuffing going on, and fix your meta robots meta tag.

Thank you mam for your kind advise. As per your instruction, i have fixed everything. It would be of great help if you take a look and guide me.

Try to go throught the new algorithm update and deploy the changes

Much better!!

I just took another look at your site and noticed you still have a lot more keyword stuffing going on. The bottom of your homepage looks like:

Kottayam Matrimony | Pathanamthitta Matrimony | Alappuzha Matrimony | Ernakulam Matrimony | Kannur Matrimony | Idukki Matrimony | Kollam Matrimony | Kozhikode Matrimony | Malappuram Matrimony | Thrissur | Thiruvananthapuram Matrimony | Wayanad Matrimony | Kasaragod Matrimony

I get that you want to have navigation to the different sections, but how many more times can you repeat the word Matrimony?! Remove all links that look like they're just anchor text.

In the About Mis Matrimony paragraphs, you have bold links that are anchor text there too. Remove all content that only exists for the benefit for SEO.

Then, once that's done, you can file a reinclusion request with Google Search Console.

Hi Madam, I have made changes . Please see

You are preloding style version 1.02 but then loading stylesheet version 1.01, which is causing both files to be downloaded unnecessarily. You're doing something similar with Font Awesome in which you preload one URL for but then include a different one.

You also have JPG files that are being 301 redirected to other JPG files. Minimize, if not completely eliminate, all internal 301 redirects if you can help it.

I really think the keyword stuffing was causing you all your problems. Remove any and all keyword stuffing from every single page of your site.

Then, file a reconsideration request with Google Search Console. You're going to have to plea your case and ask for the penalty to be lifted. Do not do this until every single page of your site is no longer using any spammy SEO techniques.

Good luck!

Thanks for the guidance mam, my website is coming in secod page with one keyword. I have removed keyword stuffing. I will check the preloading stylesheet version. When i go with that link, i am not able to find any penalty. Three days back i have changed the title, but it is not getting updated. For some keywords website is coming first page.

OK, that's good. Sometimes you have a manual action penalty for keyword stuffing, in which case you have to file a request to have the penalty lifted.

If I understand you correctly, you're now on the first page for some of your keywords, and the second page for others? Depending on how often your webpage changes, Google adjusts how often it recrawls it. You can use search console to force Google to reindex the homepage.

If you want to rank your page, there are a few essential On-Page SEO techniques that can come handy. Following are a few of such methods -

• Write title tags with keywords
• Use keywords within the 1st 100 words
• Write catchy meta description
• Use the target keyword in URL
• Use outbound links
• Use inbound links
• Maintain keyword distribution throughout the content
• Avoid keyword stuffing
• Try to write 0% plagiarized content
• Do your writings within 2000 words
• Avoid longtail keywords
• You can optimize your images

Thank you for your reply..

check your google on page seo rule...!!
and also check what kind of keyword you are trying to rank on google..

If you write more content, you've got a better shot at ranking on the first page of Google. The more you write, the more pages get indexed, and the more traffic you bring to your site. If you're writing 5-10 posts a month, it's still not enough. Your competition and industry leaders are writing 16+ every single month.

This is because your website is new and doesn't have any inbound links. First, create an account on Google webmaster tools. When you register and point Google to your sitemap. xml URL you can request them to re-crawl your URLs.

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