I have Windows XP SP2, and I have a Toshiba Laptop.


The problem I have is that most of the text on my computer is all italicized for some reason. Not all of it though. Like right now, all the stuff I am typing, is all italicized, but only on my computer. You guys will probably see normal text, but I am seeing only italicized. This problem is not only with IE, but with the whole computer. Some text on my computer is also italicized. Like the system restore window, everything it says in that window is all italicized. This started like a month ago, and I posted a topic on this. Someone told me to try a "refresh install", and make a topic on this.

I don't actually know how, or what it is. I will like some info on that, but first I would like to know if there is any other way to fix this problem. !!!!

Still no answer, I really need help on this. !!!!

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