If any one out there could help a newbie, it would be greatly appreciate. I use IE7, Firefox 3.5, Chrome. My OS is XP pro sp3, my ISP is att.yahoo. About 2 months ago the problem started. When I open a browser I get "problem loading page" "server not found". After 10-15 of checking different sites I can open one. Once open the link seems to slowly stop and the error pop up. If this sounds familiar to you, could you tell if you know how to fix it.
Many thanks

It sounds to me as if you are suffering from overkill. Get rid of all except one browser. Keep the one you like best and free up the overcrowdedness on your computer. I can't really think of any advantage in having so many browsers of one computer--does one do something that the other doesn't? My experience has been that the more cluttered your computer becomes, the more problems crop up.
My latest policy with my newest computer has been to stick with the essentials only--so far it's been working like a dream.

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