I just switched computers and had my folder organization system plus all the contents from Thunderbird placed in a compressed folder on the new computer's desktop. I have downloaded Thunderbird on the new computer, and was wondering if there is a way to import the folders (and possibly settings) from this compressed folder of Thunderbird contents.

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Wow, thank you so much! I will try that right now. I appreciate your help immensely.

Wow, thank you so much! I will try that right now. I appreciate your help immensely.

After looking this problem up in a bunch of different forums online, it turned out it was the most obvious solution, and the least baroque: it involved going into the AppData folder of the Users folder in C: drive, and finding the Roaming folder of the old TB, copying that, and then pasting it into the Roaming folder of the new TB. Believe it or not, when I then opened up TB on the new computer all my old folders were restored, in perfectly organized form! It was like a miracle.

Thank you again for your help.

your welcome ,happy computing

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