windows 7 or windows 8? why?

Microsoft announced that support for windows 7 will stop in 2015, so if you are into windows os, it will probably be better go to after windows 8, as for new applications and additional features exist for it. Also, it comes to a personal point of view which of those 2 microsoft windows versions comes easier for you to use, give it a go and have a look at them is best answer you'll probably get

"How is the best?" windows 7 or windows 8? why?

It's not like there is an absolute answer to the question. The most you'll get is a debait. Do you have any requirements? Any preferences? What are you using now? In the end, the "correct" answer is dependant on you.

I personally try to use the latest revision of software that a company produces (even if it takes getting used to), mostly for support and to make sure that everything works with the latest revision.

and to make sure that everything works with the latest revision

Windows ME.
Windows Vista.
The first incarnation of Windows XP.


I personally didn't have any problems with Vista (though I seem to be in the minority), but ME and early XP were a bear. Typically best practice is to wait for the first major service pack before adopting new software, unless the software is minor enough that problems don't hurt too much.

Yeah, it entirely depends on the person. I have my own reasons for using the latest revision though. I'm usually curious to see what the differences are, and I like the feeling of "being up to date" with the development of companies. More importantly, I like to make sure my own stuff works with newer revisions early on so I have time to "make it work" if I need too without being rushed. And I like to learn it early so I can help others who are using it.

A reason for sticking with more stable releases is that it might be more smooth for you, and unstable technology has time to mature. Also, updating at your leasure might put less stress on you.

I don't think either would be considered "better practice". I think it entirely depends on the situation and what your willing to spend resources on.

I have my own reasons for using the latest revision though. I'm usually curious to see what the differences are, and I like the feeling of "being up to date" with the development of companies.

True. Despite past experiences, I was an early adopter of Windows 8, and it turned out quite well.

As far as i knew, I feel windows 8 is the best because the speed, performance, utilities and also it is more easy to use. So, for me windows 8 is the best OS compaing to Windows 7.

See here.

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