4.8 with my AMD 64x2 3800+ getting the low score.

Can someone please explain what the Windows Vista Experience Score is, and what it does ?

Windows Experience Index

Can someone please explain what the Windows Vista Experience Score is, and what it does ?

I just finished installing Vista Home Premium -- my score is 4.2. I suppose that is adequate.

that's a pretty good score for ultimate edition even.

i had a 4.1 (before i 'upgraded' to the ati drivers for my graphics card and got busted to a 2.9

I had vista business edition, and had a 3.7 on it, and I just recently installed ultimate edition b/c business edition is just awful, but I now have a 3.8 on the same computer. Does anyone know if different version use hardware differently, I don't think it does, but this is the only conclusion on the score difference.

your first score probably happened when the processor was under a load or something.

the two values 'are' very similar. barring the reason your base score changed being like, one of your subscores plummeted, I'd have two say when you tested on business edition, your processor may have been under a load of some kind, resulting in the change of score.

since the score was such a small change, I wouldn't worry about it. but, out of curiosity, did you by any chance change from a 32, to a 64 bit version when you upgraded?

Nope, ran it with nothing running, didn't change the type of install (32 to 64 bit). And the only change was in the graphics, but nothing changed with that.
Well it doesn't really make a difference, since yes it was only a .1 increase.

also, possibly they released a newer drivers version from when you first scanned. that could explain things as well.

3.6 for the grraphics card but I dont like it because it goes to 100% usage every now and then for no reason and the reset button is the only way out ;-((

what brand is your graphics card? i've noticed that with my ATI Radeon, the memory useage seems 100% all the time. I know this isn't the case, so I assume this problem is with my monitoring device.

ive got the same issue with my radeon x600

what brand is your graphics card? i've noticed that with my ATI Radeon, the memory useage seems 100% all the time. I know this isn't the case, so I assume this problem is with my monitoring device.

Radeon 9600 256MB Ram

i have a 256mb x600 and have the same issue. used to get the 100% thing in xp too but that never required a reset

are there vista drivers for ati radeon rx9100?

the generic radeon drivers should work fine

i know, but i want aero, darn it, i don't want to buy a new video card.

aero isnt worth it really

Windows Vista Rating for the Dell Precision Workstation 690 is currently at 5.9 on the Vista Scale. Get in!!
P.S Try changing the date to a future date and see what happens.

aero sucks, xgl rocks


Mine is a 5.3. in Vista Ultimate 32bit.

I'm not in front of it now so I can't remember what exactly was holding it back. Since it was a new build I was just happy with the score since my wallet can't fathom any more expenditures currently :P I already fell for some advertising on newegg and bought another two gigs of memory I didn't really need. Who can say no to a 50 dollar rebate? :)

My vista score is 3.7:!: Ah well that is what u should expect with a onboard graphic card! Although the Individual Scores are Processor : 5.1 ,Memory : 5.5,Graphics :3.9, Gaming Graphics : 3.7, Primary Hard Disk : 5.4

My Machine Specs are Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, 2GB RAM, Intel DG965WH Mobo, Seagate 250 GB HD DSK.

minus a graphics card and a sound card, that's basically what my buddy is running on his computer. his score is 5.0.

I would think about getting a dedicated graphics card kartik. 200 bucks would take that system a long way.

so what is the highest score you can get? 10?

so what is the highest score you can get? 10?

Currently 5.9

Vista says its an open ended scale so that they can raise the cap to accomodate advancing hardware.

Sounds kinda like an MMORPG level cap and expansion system to me :cheesy:

I'm getting a 5.2 (memory). I'll have to look at what
it says when I'm home tonight.

Ok, at home... here are the "raw" numbers

Calculations/sec: 5.3
Memory: 5.2
Graphics: 5.9
3D: 5.8
HDD: 5.4

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