hi there guys and girls,

Just clearing some stuff off my hard drive and was checking how much free space I had. It was saying I used 20g as you can see from the pic.
(first picture)

However I couldn't think where this 20g had gone so I went in selected all the files on the C drive including hidden files and folders and it said they were only 10g as you can see. (third picture)

When i right click on the drive and click on properties (second picture) it says used space 19.1g and free space at 167. However if you look at the breakdown in MB then it says 20,531,847,168 under used thats 20g to me and 179,506,929,664 thats 179g to me. I really cant understand this one is very confusing to me please help. You mite need to click on the links to see the pics not to sure how this posting pic thing works.

Pictures here


You mite need to copy and paste the link and remove the space made by it being on two lines.:cheesy: :cheesy:

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similar programs for mac and linux


Several things.

Just because you selected all hidden folders doesn't mean all the folders. Did you also select system folders?

What takes up much of the room on your hard drive is your System Restore.

hi i did select system folders too, have also used pty sugestion to map my drive which shows that it is only 10gb full. Where can i find system restore files??

You could disable System restore and re enable it. That way, all old restore points will be dleeted, and windows will create a new one for you. This should clear a significant amount of space..

FYI, system restore files are found in the \System Volume Information folder.

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