please help

i have forgotten my password for win xp login. can it be bypassed or deleted ??????

Have you forgotten the Administrator's password as well?

This is kind of a sketchy question to post here, because we don't allow discussion of hacking/cracking, and bypassing login passwords could certainly fall into that category. In other words- no offense, but we don't really know that it's your system that you're trying to get into.

I understand

It's my system that my wifes father put togetthor for us but we didn't hook it up untill after we moved a month later and no one can remember the password that he put on it not even himself lol??????????????? i have tried what he sugested with caps on and of but no luck.

Sorry, I just had to point that out- part of the job and all that.

Unfortunately, there's no simple way to bypass login passwords in XP or Win 2K; that's one of their security features. However, there are password recovery methods/programs available ; a search at for the keywords "windows XP" "password" "recover" will turn them up.

Here's one with a few suggestions:

thanks for your help ill try that...

OK- good luck :)

please help

i have forgotten my password for win xp login. can it be bypassed or deleted ??????

A program called passware works well, you need to create a floppy, use your xp cd with the floppy (step by step instructions provided) will reset the admin password to 1234.

Have you forgotten the Administrator's password as well?

This is kind of a sketchy question to post here, because we don't allow discussion of hacking/cracking, and bypassing login passwords could certainly fall into that category. In other words- no offense, but we don't really know that it's your system that you're trying to get into.

Hey can u tell me how to bypass XP?
Cuz my 1 of my computer's password is lost.
I got sum important files on it. SO, Please can u help?

Hey can u tell me how to bypass XP?
Cuz my 1 of my computer's password is lost.
I got sum important files on it. SO, Please can u help?

what part of the post you are quoting don't you understand ,
anyway have you tried safe mode ,f8 on startup

Many systems come from the manufacturer with no Administrator password set, so, depending on your version, if you hit control, alternate, and delete at the same time twice, then hit enter it should let you right in. Then you can, in most cases, alter user accounts where you have forgotten the password in the control panel, or at the very least back up and/or copy your data. To avoid things like this in the future, A) use a password that is easy to remember. B) Back up data to a flash drive or to disk often. C) Insist on getting a recovery disk or some other genuine software distribution so you don't have to rely on a family member to remember the password on the pirate or Whistler beta version of XP they installed. I hope this helps.

Many systems come from the manufacturer with no Administrator password set, so, depending on your version, if you hit control, alternate, and delete at the same time twice, then hit enter it should let you right in. .

i know this should work but on my own computer ,legit xp home,installed on a new hdd ,by me ,no password inserted when installed ,it will not go in ,says i don't have the proper permission or something to that affect .

Jack- You may need to try a recovery using the non-destructive method, but if you don't have the disk, and there is no recovery partition on your drive, there is another way. if you have a desktop as well as a laptop, or a friend with a desktop who doesn't mind helping with this, you can take the hard drive out of the laptop and hook it up as a slave on the mainboard of the desktop while the computers are turned OFF. If it's a SATA drive, this should be easy, since you don't have to worry about jumpers and such. You may have to go into setup (F2 on most computers at boot up) and enable the second SATA, if it's IDE, you'll need an adapter and you'll need to check your jumper settings. When you've done that, go into safe mode (probably F8). Then go to "My Computer", "Tools," "Folder Options," "view." Click "show hidden files and folders," and uncheck "hide protected operating system files." Now you can explore the laptop drive. Find the protected folders, right click on them, and choose "properties." Then click the Security tab, choose "Advanced," and then the Ownership tab. You can now take ownership of this folder as the Administrator on the desktop. Make sure you click the box to take owner ship of parent AND child directories. Now you can either copy files to a folder on the desktop, or to a flash drive, or floppy, what-have-you. I do not recommend doing this UNLESS you have exhausted all other methods, because after you have done this, it will only compound your login problems after you return the hard drive to the laptop. You will have effectively destroyed the user account and will have to create a new one, BUT you will have your files, which is the main goal. Let me know if this helps, I can try to give a more specific walk-through if you need.

i need info on how to bypass a password

i need info

info! is what the above post's hold ,read them

You can download Windows Key Finder 1.3, burn it to a CD or DVD, then boot your computer from the CD, it will give you options to reset any local user accounts password to blank. The whole process will take about 5 minutes...

Method one: Log into an alternate account
Often many users will leave the administrator account alone and/or have other accounts with administrator rights. If you're not logging into the computer as administrator or have other accounts follow the below steps to reset your other accounts password.
1 Reboot the computer into Safe Mode. Additional information about getting into Safe
2 When logging into Safe Mode you should be prompted with an option to what account you wish to use. Select the Administrator account. If prompted for a password try simply pressing Enter on the keyboard for no password. If this does not work, try other passwords you may have used. If you're unable to log into the Administrator account skip to the next suggestion.
3 Once you've logged into the Administrator account open Control Panel and User Accounts.
4 In User Accounts select the account you wish to change the password for, click change password and then enter the new password or click remove the password to remove the password from the account.

Method Two: Using the forgotten password diskette
If you have forgotten your Windows XP password, however have created a forgotten password diskette earlier to use the diskette follow the below steps.
1 At the Windows XP login prompt when the password is entered incorrectly click the reset button in the login failed window.
2 Insert the password reset diskette into the computer and click Next.
3 If the correct diskette Windows XP will open a window prompting for the new password you wish to use.

Method Three: LOGON.SCR password reset trick
LOGON.SCR changing administrator or domain admin password hack works on Windows NT 4.0 and some versions of Windows 2000. The simple trick uses Cmd.exe as screen saver that triggered by system when idle, allowing users to access to command prompt to change password.

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