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575 Posted Topics
Re: That's a very open question. It's almost like asking "does anyone know how to create a website?". Do you want to make a website that sends ringtones over a GSM server (SMS messages) directly to units? Or a website where people can download music using their WAP browsers? Do you … | |
Re: you should change: [code] <a href=\"". $page_link ."?page=1/\" title=\"First Page\">[B]<<[/B]</a> [/code] to [code] <a href=\"". $page_link ."?page=1/\" title=\"First Page\">[B]<<[/B]</a> [/code] and so on with all other non-tag <'s and probably do the same with > for any >'s It'll output bad XHTML otherwise =P | |
Re: You need access to an SMS gateway. You can hire this access from a number of companies, usually they'll charge a subscription or usage fee. I can't recommend any, but that's what you need; heres some examples, from the first page of google results for SMS gateway: [url]http://www.clickatell.com/[/url] [url]http://www.ozeki.hu/[/url]** , … | |
Re: you can turn them off on the table tag itself: [code] <table border="0"><tr><td>etc</td></tr></table> [B](this will turn off the border throughout that table)[/B] [/code] or with CSS: [code] table { border-style:none; } [B](this will disable borders for all tables on a page that includes that rule)[/B] [/code] I prefer to do … | |
Re: Java is easier to debug than C++, unless you already know C++ inside out, C++ is a tiny bit faster at matrix calculations, otherwise java and C++ are comparable, they both use DirectX and OpenGL interfaces, and the VirtualMachine layer is passed-through very quickly. I'd rather have portable code that … | |
Re: Eek.. again you need a way of determining [I]IN JAVASCRIPT[/I] what the contents of a response represent. Semantically, there is no difference between an echoed PHP array and a line of plain text. All you are doing at the moment is reading the response text ( a string ) and … | |
Re: are you using an HTML or XHTML doctype? in HTML doctypes it's ok to set boolean attributes without values, in XHTML doctypes it is not. in XHTML you have got to use: selected="selected", or selected="yes", or selected="true" | |
Re: [url="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/forum17.html"]The PHP forum[/url] | |
Re: [QUOTE=obscured47;356461]You can create a new window using the window.open() funtion. This will help [URL]http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/met_win_open.asp[/URL][/QUOTE] Using spawned windows as popup menus is a naff approach. Alot of 'modern' browsers block out popups, or put them behind the active window. Also, you'd have to be careful to avoid multiple window.opens every time … | |
Re: [code]grep -r --include=*.php "some_string" some_directory[/code] works in GNU grep 2.5.1 post output of `grep --version` and `grep --help` if that doesn't work... there might be another way. | |
Re: If you have access to PHP: [code=PHP] <?php header("Content-Type: text/javascript"); include "script1.js"; include "script2.js"; ?> [/code] Save as 'allscripts.php' and link as if it were a js file: [code=HTML] <script type="text/javascript" src="allscripts.php"><!--screwIE6--></script> [/code] This might not be ideal in all situations... | |
Re: It's not a kludge to have an outer style affect the list ( including the bullets/numbers ) and have an inner style affect the content of items themselves. Use 'relative' styles if possible , e.g use [inlinecode]font-size: 80%;[/inlinecode] on the outside, [inlinecode]font-size: 125%;[/inlinecode] on the inside. If you have no … | |
Re: You setup an orthographic projection matrix, and then in the pushmatrix/popmatrix block, you load a matrix in model space, this 'undoes' your projection until the matrix is popped... You could either replace this: [code] glPushMatrix(); glLoadMatrixd(redTransformationMatrix); glColor3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); DrawSquare(200.0, 600.0, 100.0); glPopMatrix(); [/code] with this: [code] glPushMatrix(); [b]glMultMatrixd[/b](redTransformationMatrix); glColor3d(1.0, … | |
Re: The standard doesn't well indicate whether onunload should be called when a browser window is closed, or if the browser is closed, or when the page is changed. It says: [B]W3C Event Model Specification for 'onunload' : [/B]"The onunload event occurs when the user agent removes a document from a … | |
Re: think the other way around. instead of deleting the history, don't create it in the first place. there's various methods, all require server side scripting or public web proxies. basic method is, have a blank page that inserts the "secret" page when it's neccessary. the history will only see the … | |
![]() | Re: [url="http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/"]XSLT[/url] [url="http://thewml.org/"]WML[/url] [url="http://fusiongroups.net/home/fuse"]FUSE[/url] is in quite early stages at the moment... it's my own content management meta-language... It's getting quite advanced now, I'm only just starting to document it. It runs offline and online, so it would do what you're looking for, and more. Personally, for non-dynamic pages, I always … |
Re: You're trying to directly mix a process across two different environments. It won't work like that. That page executes twice as two different 'programs' so to speak. Firstly; it's a JSP? program; which is able to connect to your database (on a server) and to 'transform' the page somewhat. After … | |
Re: onClick will work on most elements, onfocus is more appropriate for a text input, as tabbing to a field also counts as focus... try: [code] <input type="text" value="Click here to clear text" onfocus="if(!this._haschanged){this.value=''};this._haschanged=true;"/> [/code] it will only clear the text once.. i assume you want to actually put something in … | |
Re: Here's one way to do it: [code="Javascript"] <html> <head></head> <body > <!-- onblur="self.close()"--> <div style="text-align: center;"> <p>If you like this site, you will love these<br /> wonderful books. Click <a href="http://www.amazon.com">here</a> to buy.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> var i = 0; var imageArray = new Array(); //Create each element of the array … | |
Re: [quote] It isn't accessible for users who use such things as screenreaders [/quote] Screenreaders work better, ( i.e. more intuitively and standardized ), with tables than they do with some div layouts that force table-like display using floating/positioning, or with div layouts that want to order markup weirdly for the … | |
Re: I honestly can't say why; but I find that overflow:scroll/auto only works reliably on fixed size div elements. It works ok on 'bounded' size divs (with max and min height) in Firefox 2 and Opera 9, but not in Internet Explorer 6. Change your HTML so that the cell with … | |
Re: with char arrays, it could be: [code] ispalindrome := true; for i := 0 to arr.length /2 do ispalindrome := ispalindrome and (arr[i] == arr[arr.length - i]); [/code] just take the same principle with memory addresses, but bear in mind that only works if the word has an even number … | |
Re: you're not calling the function, you're writing the function name. calling the function is only possible from a <script> block or from an event handler attribute... to call the function when the page has loaded; you could do this: [code="html"] <body onload="document.forms.uname.value = GetParam(username);"> ...same as before... </body> [/code] alternatively, … | |
Re: If you read it, don't assume you'll know C++ in 24 hours; I have learn C++ in 21 days sitting at home somewhere, and I don't really "know" C++. Still, I never finished the book. But, from that I learnt enough to get a 2D playable demo (was zelda: a … | |
Re: [quote]if you setup a goal to write your own CMS soon you will end up the same problems as other CMS's encountered. You may not foresee some problems that will require minor or major code rewrite and it may took some time - 1-2 month(s).[/quote] 1 - 2 months is … | |
Re: That's madly tiny and cryptic :cheesy: I've been working in Java today for a college project; I used Java for yeaars before I used Perl.. To do something similar to that in Java would be a mammoth task. There seems to be 'no such thing' as a useful Java hash, … | |
Re: you can use bookmarked anchor tags to position the user's view somewhere. combined with some absolute positioning over the part of your image you want in focus, and a bit of offset calculation (you'll see what I mean if you take the <br/> parts out of the <a> tags), you'll … | |
Re: In a word; No. HTML is delivered to users as 'source code', which the user's browser then interprets. There is [B]nothing[/B] you can do to protect HTML code; except trying to enforce your copyright if it's stolen. Also, you can't easily 'scramble' or obfuscate HTML code as you would with … | |
Re: For Intranet applications; it's much easier to control the browser being used to access the page... Open VB6, drop WebBrowser control on form, don't add any buttons that call the control's 'back' event; save; compile; backbutton-neutered IE6. Distribute to everyone onsite. In any context, including Intranet applications, why should 'back' … | |
Re: something like: [code="javascript"] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- onload=function() { var divh = document.getElementById('pageContent').offsetHeight; var target = document.getElementById('flashOverlay'); target.style.height = ( divh + 460 ) + "px"; } //--> </script> [/code] |
The End.