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Hi DW. I'm developing an App that uses the FCM notification, but the problem is that my code doesn't seem to get the actual data like when I extract the `message` or `body` it shows just the icon only if the notification was received when the App is open, and … Mobile Development android-development | |
I have three tables(table, table2,table3). From table1 i want to return three rows: Title, Desc,time,'products' AS type From table2 i want to return three rows: group_title, group_desc, created,'groups' AS type From table3 i want to return three rows: name, occupation,birth,'users' AS type $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM (SELECT table1.title, … | |
I'm writing a VERY simple clock to run on an old tablet using Android Studio - it displays the current time and day (I'm retired and regularly forget what day it is). I want to add the first calendar event for the current day to the display so it goes … Mobile Development android-development java | |
Hello i want to show html5 video with content over it . Like background image. The whole div html5 video must be of 400px height <div style="height: 400px"> <video controls poster="{{item.media_pic}}"> <source src="{{item.image_path}}" type="video/webm" /> <source src="{{item.image_path}}" type="video/mp4"> <source src="{{item.image_path}}" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video. </video> <ion-row> … Mobile Development html-css | |
Hello, I want to know if the following is fact or fiction. I'm told you can build one codebase in ReactNative,** then compile out Binaries for iOS, Android and Windows with little customization.** To clarify...''...the heavy lifting R&D is done in RN, and the Binaries "just pop out" with little … Mobile Development ios | |
I have developed a game for android mobiles ["Rise Up Air Balloon"](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abacus.riseup). I want to updatte it. Kindly suggest me something if it is better to update https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rB-fPEBiaGzT_ubSzCtSfftC4pKkIm5buAS2_DhQz4_exYFCrjbcN2T1NhkmM0A3Jj0=s180-rw | |
| Hello, I am newbie and start learning Android mobile programming using react native.. I encounter a problem using setState state, it's keep show an error : **"Can't find variable : setState"** import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, } from 'react-native'; export default class … Mobile Development android-development |
Hey all long time no see!! As i started Internet Marketing i quited to code but somehow everything is about coding... :D So i am trying to come up with new method but i will talk about that in the next thread :) so I am trying to create push … Mobile Development android-development | |
Hello i am using Ionic 3 and Angular 5. Does anyone has an example for displaying items in different ion-cols (col-6, col-8,col-12)? Pinterest wise? Mobile Development android-development html-css | |
Last week a group of six 'm-commerce' experts took part in a round robin discussion in Manchester, England to determine the best ways forward for developers interested in creating a serious mobile web presence yet wanting to make money through the medium of mobile advertising at the same time. Anyone … Mobile Development advertising finance | |
When posting code, I get error > begin a line with 4 spaces in a row (or one tab), preceded by a blank line. 4+ spaces or tabs may not be used anywhere else. Mobile Development java | |
Hello i want to make a button that mutes and unmutes sound in html5 <video> tag. Here what i have so far. Sadly it doesnt work .ts soundOnOff() { let audio = document.getElementById('muteSound') as HTMLMediaElement audio.muted = true; } html <button onclick="enableMute()" type="button">Mute sound</button> <video id="muteSound" muted="true" playsinline autoplay loop … Mobile Development html-css |
The End.