702 Topics

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Member Avatar for SallyL

Hello, Not sure I'm in the right place for this question, so apologies if I am not. Also, please note I am not a Coldfusion programmer, but rather the office administrator and user of a company website that is built using Coldfusion. Our company uses Mac computers exclusively. Most of …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for kc8pdr

My web sever has ColdFusion MX 7 I would like to know what ver. of dreamweaver do I need to code for it ?

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for npriya_it

Hi, Can somebody help me with accessing a deployed WAR file, as I am a beginner and don't have much knowledge about the cold fusion server. I managed to deploy a WAR, however, got struck as I am not able to access the file using browser.

Member Avatar for TiagaoNobalhao
Member Avatar for lafalot

Hi, I am getting the following error in my mail log: Exception reading response; nested exception is: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset I get this intermittently: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I've tested using my own email, so I know it's not a problem with the address. Is this a …

Member Avatar for sanscls

I want to update an access db with multiple records. They are property pictures. They may have the same listnumber, but all have a different ID#. There are not always a set amount of pics... may be 5 or 7 or 10, etc.. The DB fields are id, filedata (actual …

Member Avatar for iqbalhosan
Member Avatar for zero_sequence

Hi to all, i have a charset issue when i use unicode characters in cfm pages... to be more specific when i use greek characters all i get is something not greek... i use charset in each page but the result is the same, i used utf-8,iso-8859-7 and windows-1253 but …

Member Avatar for iqbalhosan
Member Avatar for jennifer_48219

Just want to check my code to see if I wrote them right. If wrong please correct me Create a cfif block that checks for the condition: IsDefined("url.productid") AND NOT IsDefined("form.productid") --- so I wrote [code]<cfif IsDefined("url.productid") AND NEQ IsDefined("form.productid")>[/code] Create a ciff block that checks for the condition: if …

Member Avatar for iqbalhosan
Member Avatar for Foru

I am very new to coldfusion (& web server scripting in general) and have been asked to create a system that shows the websites statistics. please some help on how i would go about doing this, or maybe a link to a guide? thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for forumposters
Member Avatar for lberezinski

Hi all I’m new to ColdFusion and I have hard time to understand how to run a specific WMI query Until now I can only dump a WMI Class to a ColdFusion Array For example [code=coldfusion]<cfset obj_wmi = CreateObject( "component" , "wmi" ).init() /> <cfset arr_Array = obj_wmi.execQuery ( " …

Member Avatar for chicago1985

r CF MX 7 the CF admin setting for database queries timeout is set at 100. Because of this some of my queries timeout and give me back a timeout message. I am trying to overwrite it in my cfquery working with Oracle 9i: [code] <cfquery datasource="cityOra" [color=red]timeout="300"[/color] name="queryOne"> select …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for Kris A

Hello and thanks for looking, Here is the run down, Intranet running with CF. Server MOBO Crashed out - Can not replace. I did not set up the CF Site, that person "Left to pursue other opportunities" I can get the pages to display, however the Databases did not migrate. …

Member Avatar for jamba

Hello Experts I have a CF app (MX 6.1) that creates a text file, inserts some data (mainly numerical values along with a text header and footer), zip/encrypt/password protect with Winzip command line and then email to a 3rd party and CC some users. When the text file is opened …

Member Avatar for jamba
Member Avatar for dcbaker

We are lookign to purchase an applciation to mail newsletters, mass email etc... are there any good oens for sale you anyone can reccomend? thnx

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for Hercf

Help! Hi, everbody! I have this problem: There is a “textbox” and a “submit” button. “Submit button” is disabled until something is written within “text box”. I am not able to do this switch. Could anybody help me? Here you are the code: [code=html]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" …

Member Avatar for jamba
Member Avatar for macslayer

Hello again, This may or maynot be proper thread for this topic, but here it is. I have a coldfusion 7 serve that I am running a page on, that uses hash(<email>,"MD5") all it well and good makes me a hash string and all. I store this hash and in …

Member Avatar for macslayer
Member Avatar for krazykrisi

Ok so I'm making a survey for a website and I have a series of questions where the user can rate it from a list of choices and I have these questions in a table in access and the rating options in a table. I want to have the questions …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for Romaiin

Hi all, I'm working on a report displaying a table, and below this table I would like to display a kind of summary, including some interesting values calculated from the table. I included this summary table into the Report footer, because I don't know where the best place is. The …

Member Avatar for 2bu

Does CF run any better or faster on Windows or Apache. Can you recommend some good shared hosting companies? Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for susan10

My cfm application runs fine, but I have a problem securing my pdf files: The application.cfm/login.cfm only works with .cfm files. So if a user write the full adress ([url]http://www.mysite.com/pdf/onlyforusers.pdf)[/url], the file will popup in the browser, - not god! Is the a way to make the user login - …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for zoid777

Friends, I have two bugs I would like to fix,I know thier is someone out thier that can shed some light into this. First one is simple I don't know what I typed wrong for the date function it says this as below Missing argument name. When using named parameters …

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Member Avatar for dkerr

Can I query a SQL Server 2000 mydatabase.mdf file directly via SQL? If so, how?

Member Avatar for zoid777

Hello friends, I want to validate this two checkbox variables on an action page and also an update page [code=coldfusion]<cfinput type="checkbox" name="gender"checked> </label></td> <td>Female</td> <td><label> <cfinput type="checkbox" name="gender"> </label></td>[/code] by default I checked one of them, how can I check if it is checked and what is the best way …

Member Avatar for zoid777
Member Avatar for zoid777

I need some help with <cfquery>, I want to authenticate an add form so the user doesn't enter the same value twice or more so I used recordcount like this [code=ColdFusion]<cfquery name="cool.recordcount" datasource="#Request.proto#"> <cfif cool EQ 0> INSERT INTO proton( name, moon ) VALUES( '#Trim(Form.name)#', '#Trim(Form.moon)#', ) <cfif cool EQ …

Member Avatar for zoid777
Member Avatar for zoid777

Hello Friends, I want to upload an image to the server and also insert the image path into the database, I have a sample of my code below [code]<cfinput type="text" name="city"> </label></td> <td>State</td> <td><label> <cfinput type="text" name="state"> </label></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td><label> <cfinput type="text" name="email" validate="email" required="no" > </label></td> …

Member Avatar for zoid777
Member Avatar for kory27

I recently started using a remote image url to power my thumbnails on my website. i noticed a significant, but not across the board, slowdown in page load times. i ran an sql monitor and nothing is showing that would cause the issue, so i am wondering; 1. Would a …

Member Avatar for kory27
Member Avatar for Hercf

Hi everybody! I’d like to set up a dynamic “name” in coldfusion 8, with dreamweaver CS-3! I have 2 Cf checkbox forms: “my” , “your” and 2 Cf Image fields: “name”, “site”. Depending on selection, result must be: “myname” or “yourname”; “mysite” or “yoursite”. Could anybody give me a hint? …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for jstama

Hi, I have a list of about 100 pages, each of them using date_create variable for the date they were entered in the database; these entries are from years 2005 to 2008. I need to list the ones from the last six months only, but without hardcoding specific values, so …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for kory27

Does anyone know of a good slideshow component or snippet for cf? basically i would just like to rotate a few thumbnail size images in a featured area of my website. thanks.

Member Avatar for kory27
Member Avatar for kory27

Hi. I have two sets of code below. The first is part of my old code off a page called item.cfm. the second is the same code, but i have attempted to change the destination link to a url i have stored in my database for the button btnaddtocart.gif. that …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for onetwothree

Apologies if this is a really basic question, but i am quite new to coldfusion. I have a database where i have some stored standard data in. i can search this database for the data I want, (eg 10 specific records of data), and output it to a form with …

Member Avatar for onetwothree

The End.