702 Topics

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Member Avatar for r.omalley

I'm having a problem with cfchart bugging out. I think it's a problem with the x-axis scaling, although I can't get it to work no matter what I do. This first came to light when trying to chart numbers over date ranges. Aware of the problems for which dates are …

Member Avatar for coylos
Member Avatar for ski4ever

I am listing DB values inserted from checkbox selections. [url]http://amftrb.org/examApp_detail.cfm[/url] is set up to display 10 rows. In the first 10 rows of the DB there are 8 winxp entries for the OS variable. The page displays the 8 of 10 records that have winxp. Is there a way to …

Member Avatar for v1r

Hello I have just learning Coldfusion ! So please , could anyone help me in this problem : I want to know , how to seperate each records with a space when displaying the query ! This my code : [CODE]<cfquery name="getEntrees" datasource="logement"> SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Entrees </cfquery>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for krauz2

I am trying to build a wepage for my father in law and I want to have a log-in for employees only. I have dreamweaver cs3 and cannot figure it out. I have spent hours looking around and I dont even know if it is possible. Thanks for everyones help. …

Member Avatar for vdog
Member Avatar for vdog

Hi :-) Im pulling my hair out over an issue with cfreport builder 7 and the abillity to dynamically display images. I can display images dynamicaly fine using this method: application.coverimage & "/" & query.image The problem is ive no idea how to say " if there is no image …

Member Avatar for MightyMom

I am a novice in Coldfusion as well as Javascript. I would really appreciate any help anyone can give me with my following problem. I have created a table/form in which I am able to add rows for the user to input as much row of information as desired by …

Member Avatar for isheanesu

Hi Guys I need some help please. I have a CF Knowledge Management System that I'm working on. I however have an issue with the security. When the session times out after the set time the user is able is use the back function of the browser to visit the …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for poes

Im using dreamweaver. I want to have a "email us" page. The person puts in there name,email..etc and it sends it to my mail box. How do i do this? do i need to used a dynamic page? Dreamweaver comes with email templates so or i have to do is …

Member Avatar for vincearcuri
Member Avatar for Hercf

Hi guys! I need your help! The next script is a normal “insert page” which get back the “GENERATED_KEY”: “myid” and put it hidden form:”myid”. If the value of “myid” is numeric then the action attribute of “form1” get a page address as value. The issue is, it shows 2 …

Member Avatar for Prodian

[B]Background Info[/B]: I have 2 tables one called cats with categories (ie:Administration) and catid (ie:1,2,3,4..etc.) and another table called links which has catid(ie: 1,2,3,4...etc.), url, title. [B]Here is what Im trying to do[/B]: I already have it displaying everything nice and pretty but now i need to change up how …

Member Avatar for Prodian
Member Avatar for RedDem0n

Hey everyone, I am on a month long project on a coldfusion script I have to work on. Bare with my noobness here :P Basically here is the jist of it. -- I have a huge sql database filled with various random people information, such as their phone #"s, email …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for NCX001

Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this whole programming thing so bare with me please. I have a little problem that I just can't seem to get my hear around. I have a working on an inventory management page. It keeps track of what software is installed where and how …

Member Avatar for taramichael
Member Avatar for nish88

have anyone ever creates navigation buttons such as next,previous in coldfusion? can i see ours if you have created one?

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for berlindeb

I am not sure how to ask the question, but here goes. I have a multiline survey storing data about a specific project. I want to store the data in the following fields: proj_id strat_issue strat_goal strat_obj strat_value here is an example of my code [code=html]<form action="strat_survey.cfm?update=gogo" method="post"> <table width="90%" …

Member Avatar for soolmaan
Member Avatar for Erik

Hi everyone, I want to make a website that would nave a verified through email members with their photos and profiles to view by verified members (just like on this site) according to their profile they would be automatically going in different lists like people NY, VA, MA would be …

Member Avatar for soolmaan
Member Avatar for vagettoanima

Hello, I am currently having problems getting Coldfusion and SQL Server 2005 to connect on my home laptop. I have both installed correctly, I just cant seem to get the connection part down I keep getting this error from the Coldfusion Administrator. [I]Connection verification failed for data source: GTOTDsite java.sql.SQLException: …

Member Avatar for jinu
Member Avatar for pamarchy

Greetings, I have a problem with CF code, and I assume it is because I am new to ColdFusion. I've searched the Web, the Adobe pages, the Forums here, tutorials, etc... I just can't find the answer to what I imagine to be a fundamental of CF. I just inherited …

Member Avatar for pamarchy
Member Avatar for rivens

Does anyone have a copy of the CF_Magick custom tag for resizing images using ImageMagick? I've been using it for years and unexpectedly lost it recently and I've been unable to find a copy online. Thanks!

Member Avatar for satwikr

Hi, I am unable to capture the XML response sent by server when made a request. I am sending a HTTP Request (Containing Paramaters such as username, email etc) to one server using cfhttp. This request upon hitting the server will be processed. Upon successful processing, that server generates a …

Member Avatar for kye

I am sending a query result (query in CF8; data in MS SQL Server 2005) to an XML output (using the <cfxml variable="outputname"> and <cfcontent type="text/xml"><cfoutput>#toString(outputname)#</cfoutput> tags), using CF8. When the output (in SQL Server as nvarchar) contains special characters like "-40° to 70°C" the ° symbol causes the error; …

Member Avatar for kye
Member Avatar for Loki421

Hi all!!! This is my first post here so please feel free to move if it's in the wrong place :-) Ok, i am just starting out in web development, and i have created a data entry form in DW CS3 and succesfully link it into MySQL (big deal for …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for tassz444

Hi Trying to do multiple left outer joins on query of query. Have asked on forums if ColdFusion supports this, although there are workarounds for single left outer joins on query of query, it is not what I require. It appears that no one has attempted to do this on …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for Stewie

Right now I have a page set up that inserts a record into a DB that a user enterd. I have it set up to take them to another page that shows the the information that they entered. but I also have a cfmail tag that e-mails the same information …

Member Avatar for creative72
Member Avatar for Hercf

Hi everybody! Could you teach me how to get back the “primary key”: (“id”), from an “insert query”? * [code=coldfusion]<cffunction name="insertData" access="public"> <cfargument name="formData" type="struct" required="yes"> <cfquery name="qInsert" datasource="mydata"> INSERT INTO mytable (email, firstname, name) VALUES ('#formData.email#', '#formData.firstname#', '#formData.name#') </cfquery> </cffunction>[/code] * How could I get back the primary key:”id” …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for jstama

I use a page that pulls the content from a database, including the title of the document. How can I make that title to also be the browser title (content in the title tag)? Thanks!

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for chicago1985

I have [b]form.mydata[/b] coming to my action page with comma delimeter value: [b]adam,joe,ben,steve,jill,andy,david[/b] I want to seperate them and it works inside this loop: [code] <cfset myd = ""> <cfloop list="form.mydata" index="i" delimiters=","> <cfoutput> <cfset myd = "#i#"> #myd#<br /> </cfoutput> </cfloop>[/code] How do I get them to print outside …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for cheapterp

Hey Guys, I have just started working on ColdFusion, so I am relatively new to it than most of you may be. I am trying to create 'Sticky Stay-Filled' forms so that when the form is submitted, the details entered on the form show up on the page following the …

Member Avatar for demanian

Greetings. With help from CF geniuses, constructed a CF suggestion form on the web where data went into an Access database. Moved offices, PCs and servers. All went into the abyss :'( Have copies of web page for entry of information by customers, and confirming page showing customers what they …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for satorisurfer

I am writing a CF application that queries a Centura SQLBase DB--not my DB of choice, its an interface partner's DB! Some of the fields in the SQLBase DB are of type FLOAT, which for some reason CF is returning in scientific notation (i.e. 1.23653E7) rather than as a whole …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for playazls

I am using cfexchangemail and it works fine with an email sent from bb or windows but when ever someone sends an email from a mac (entourage) the email id (UID) has special characters and cannot download the attachments. I get this message: Error processing the Exchange request. This error …

Member Avatar for cmhampton

The End.