16 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for iwavetostars

Good day everyone - Since this is my first post, I must say hi. I just started learning Python 8 hours ago and I like to challenge myself, so following a guide on playing with files, I decided to make a program that would open a .txt and it would …

Member Avatar for bearsomg

Hello, I am currently building a rendering engine in native C++ using Direct3D 10 and the Win32 API. The engine will have 2 separate windows, one being the rendering window and the other being a control window which is used to load models, animaitons, etc. It is also used to …

Member Avatar for RoHunt3r

1.How to enable speech recognition without that annoying recognition window, and without having to press that button on that window? 2.I need to know how to recognize only the words in the XML that I created (to increase accuracy). Like: If I say "red" and that's not in the XML …

Member Avatar for xzero1

i am using html agility pack to retrieve the articles from website with "p" tag, but it return all the user comments along with it. how to overcome one this. i have only one string holding all the stuff at last.

Member Avatar for hueikar

I am doing system using window phone 7 and sql server as database. I am using below coding to get shopping cart list at listbox. public List<Order> FindOrder(string custemail, string orderstatus) { var findorder = from r in order.Orders where (r.CustEmail == custemail && r.OrderStatus == orderstatus ) select r; …

Member Avatar for hueikar

I am trying to insert and retrieve image from sql server into window phone. and the image type would be varbinary. I cant find example for it.. Mostly the related post is about retrieve from url or isolated image.. Any help? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Lefian

Hello all! I would like to ask for some help/guidance on how to achieve the following: I am currently working on a website where I have an image and next to it a jquery youtube player (http://badsyntax.github.com/jquery-youtube-player/index.html). Both of them work fine and are placed next to each other. However, …

Member Avatar for livesinabox

What I am supposed to do is create a C program which implements a "dumb" Sliding Window Protocol Implementing Client Server Program. First the client and server establish a connection between themselves and then the client sends "RST" to the server. The server inturn sends its window size (10) to …

Member Avatar for Robert955

Hello, for my Game I used this tutorial from riemers for automatically scalling graphics relative to the current resolution of the game window: http://www.riemers.net/eng/Tutorials/XNA/Csharp/Series2D/Resolution_independency.php If I change from the baseSize to another resolution the Mouse position gets messed up, I have a custom cursor on (int)ms.x, (int)ms.y but when I …

Member Avatar for Sarkahn

This is a way to force a given aspect ratio of a window any time the user tries to resize or cascade it. [CODE] double aspectRatio = 640.0 / 480.0; WPARAM sideBeingDragged = 0; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwnd); …

Member Avatar for reborn2010

I'm new in VPS and need your help how to install WordPress in VPS Window Server 2008 R2. I tried webmatrix but I can't connect mysql. Any recommended software to install some wordpress blogs in VPS window server 2008R2? I'm familiar with cpanel, any ideas for this? Thanks and kind …

Member Avatar for massy

i'm not sure what its called but basically my web site looks and runs fine until the window is NOT full screen. the items are replaced and reorganized. how do i make it so the web page is fixed and if the browser window is not maximized it just shows …

Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, how can I resize a [U]borderless[/U] window with a [U]custom[/U] component (something like status bar) that docks at the bottom part of my window. I draw a sizing grip in the bottom right corner of my scustom tatus bar. I was able to implement functionality for my borderless window …

Member Avatar for CharliePrynn

Hey, I have made an application that clicks and button, which opens a popup. Now, my problem is, that it opens the pop up in Internet explorer and not webbrowser1. How can I change it so it opens in the same webbrowser1?

Member Avatar for Dragon Runner

Hi I Have MDI file it has menuitem on click of this I open my form1, again on form1 i have a button which open childform form2 I open my form2 on button_click form2 frm = new form2(this); frm.Location = new Point(0, 45); frm.TopLevel = false; frm.TopMost = false; this.MdiParent.Controls.Add(frm); …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi, I have created a window service and set some dependencies like on MSMQ, MSSQLSERVER and so. Everything is working nice. but i need to send another dependency for my service. That is on internet connection. My service is responsible for sending emails. As soon my server starts, my service …


The End.