I recently had some problems with a hard drive and decided to reformat. I did that and reinstalled Win98 and all was ok until the next time I rebooted. Then it would freeze in the boot-up process. I was unable to do anything so I reformatted again and reinstalled Win98 again. Everything is working fine now but my hard drive has gone from a 20GB to a 4GB. Why would that be? I never partitioned anything. Only reformatted. Anybody know?

8+8=16+4=20gig I think windows os uses 8gig I think or close
maybe you have it on there twice Ive never worried about it,well I have to go and get ready for golf practice ill be back in 2 hours

Use AIDA32 download the one that says personal info 3.8 it it will tell you all your specs

So Windows 98 uses 8GB? Then how do I have it on my other 2.5GB HDD? Win98 doesn't use that much space sorry to say. According to Microsoft Windows 98 FAT 32 only uses 175MB and FAT 16 only uses 225MB. Where did you get 8GB? Just curious?

sorry I was talking about xp

sorry I was talking about xp

Even then, Windows XP doesn't require anywhere near 8 gigs for a typical installation.

I'd like to see where you got your figures.

Jeff, is your C: drive the only hard drive you see in My Computer? Do you have say, C: D: and E:? Or just C: and D: ?

Yeah the only drive I have is C:. D: and E: are my CD-ROM drives. If I go into to BIOS setup it shows a 20GB HDD but in windows it only shows like 3.92GB.

Yeah the only drive I have is C:. D: and E: are my CD-ROM drives. If I go into to BIOS setup it shows a 20GB HDD but in windows it only shows like 3.92GB.

Well, I hate to tell you this, but somehow your partition got a little screwed up. Sure you didn't fiddle around with fdisk before reinstalling?

It's not a FAT16 problem, as it's capacity limitation is 2 gigs. Right-click on the drive and tell me what the Type of Drive is. It should say FATxx.

Oh the life of a pedantic

Synonyms: pedantic, academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic
These adjectives mean marked by a narrow, often tiresome focus on or display of learning and especially its trivial aspects: a pedantic writing style; an academic insistence on precision; a bookish vocabulary; donnish refinement of speech; scholastic and excessively subtle reasoning.

Even then, Windows XP doesn't require anywhere near 8 gigs for a typical installation.

I'd like to see where you got your figures.

Jeff, is your C: drive the only hard drive you see in My Computer? Do you have say, C: D: and E:? Or just C: and D: ?

It was just a rough figure I dont have to worry about this with my 80 gig hard drive I should of asked you first freinged since you work for microsoft we are all still waiting on you to write that IE patch of yours.

Picture of a pedantic

Under Big B rule:

  • All Microsoft Products are banned because they have bugs in them. Linux/Mozilla is completely flawless and works in every scenario.
  • Anyone who uses MS will be gassed.
  • Anyone who speaks well of MS will be gassed.
  • From now one, Microsoft will only have one employee who will be signly responsible for all the products faults/limitations.
  • All former MS workers will be sent to work in LINUX Camps.


Under Big B rule:

  • All Microsoft Products are banned because they have bugs in them. Linux/Mozilla is completely flawless and works in every scenario.
  • Anyone who uses MS will be gassed.
  • Anyone who speaks well of MS will be gassed.
  • From now one, Microsoft will only have one employee who will be signly responsible for all the products faults/limitations.
  • All former MS workers will be sent to work in LINUX Camps.


Dont try and push your fascist/neo nazi/communistic Ideals on me
dont diss dos Is my modo
your lamer

Oh the life of a pedantic

Synonyms: pedantic, academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic
These adjectives mean marked by a narrow, often tiresome focus on or display of learning and especially its trivial aspects: a pedantic writing style; an academic insistence on precision; a bookish vocabulary; donnish refinement of speech; scholastic and excessively subtle reasoning.

It was just a rough figure I dont have to worry about this with my 80 gig hard drive I should of asked you first freinged since you work for microsoft we are all still waiting on you to write that IE patch of yours.

Picture of a pedantic

Yes massa, please don't hurt me massa!

Pontificating: To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.


I'll take your 80 gig and raise you a stripe set of two 40 gigs. Since you're preaching on about how great Mozilla is, care to tell what OS you're posting to this board from? Hmm? I bet it's Windows.

I respect billgates more than you think since Ive been using microsft products since early 90's I also respect the BLACKVIPER The two make a good combo

I respect billgates more than you think since Ive been using microsft products since early 90's I also respect the BLACKVIPER The two make a good combo

I like how you cower back into a corner when provoked. Blkviper has nothing to do with this thread. Shifty eyes and all that, get the attention away from yourself. Smooth. Real smooth.

I'm just waiting on Jeff's reply.

Smooth. Real smooth.

yeah actually I do run smoothwall smoothwall.org

Are you still harpin like the common post whore maybe you just have a problem with americans remember we send aid to your country
and blackvipers site is a reference to what services should be diabled set default by micrsoft(meaning) a better/stable microsoft experience

Perhaps feigned is simply responding to your posts. Oh and by the way, while I'm not exactly the biggest fan of America, I prefer to judge people by their personality, not their nationality. I'm sure feigned thinks along similar lines.

more Euro trash

while I'm not exactly the biggest fan of America

thats sad and what wealthy great land are you from?

yeah actually I do run smoothwall smoothwall.org

Are you still harpin like the common post whore maybe you just have a problem with americans remember we send aid to your country

You're a grade A riot.

Check out the location sparky.

more Euro trash and what wealthy great land are you from?

I'm from the UK. and Eurotrash is a great TV programme ;)

I'm from the UK. and Eurotrash is a great TV programme ;)


Well, I'm not actually at my comp right now but it is FAT32.

Wow! So many replies and yet only 1 person is helping me. Thanks again feigned.

Well, I'm not actually at my comp right now but it is FAT32.

Well, something happened when you reinstalled.

Are you sure you didn't repartition?

And no problem for the help dude. :)

Whoa ... lets try to get this thread back on track, ok? Name calling is for kiddies - keep that sorta stuff reserved for the geek's lounge forum, k?

Thanks ppl!

Yeah I'm sure. How do you think I could go about fixing this?

And thanks cscgal! :mrgreen:

Yeah I'm sure. How do you think I could go about fixing this?

Obtain a partition manager program...partition magic pro.

Or partition your disks manually and reinstall Windows.

Those are your only two options. :)

i found a free one that works with XP. U need to use it off a boot disk and it's pretty complicated though.

And how do I obtain Partition Magic? How does this work compared to doing it manually?

Partition Magic (probably) won't loose all your data. fdisk will and is far more complex.

heres my advice to the first question



was I was trying to tell him is that he had two OS on his hardrive untill everyone picked it apart and plus I had just woke up so stop getting your panties in a bunch guys

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