Hi, I have a problem and need some help. Whenever I try to install my HP 3210 all in one scanner/printer I get the error that my system will be shutdown initiated by NT Authority\system. I have checked for viruses, adware, malware, everything! Any help would be appreciated.

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Try to load it in safe mode.

Hi Bob, I tried that no good.

Are you a guest or the Administrator?

Disconnect the device from the computer. Insert Setup CD. The setup dialog will instruct you when to connect the Printer/scanner.

More instructions later if you are have more problems.

Are you a guest or the Administrator?

Disconnect the device from the computer. Insert Setup CD. The setup dialog will instruct you when to connect the Printer/scanner.

More instructions later if you are have more problems.

Hi, did that first. As soon as I plug it in the system shuts down with that error message. I am the administrator as far as I know.

Try downloading the driver from the net and install from that. You may have a bug in your installation disk.

I doubt it is a bug.
I assume you are using a proper usb device cable.
Perhaps you are plugging into an auxillary usb port? Use one of the ports on the main board other wise, vica-versa.

I usually use an extra port for the printer but maybe because it is a printer/scanner, it needs a direct port. I haven't used my HP Printer/scanner for about 6 months so I can't recall....yes I can...I didn't have the setup disk for it. Drat![I/] The scanner still worked without connecting to the computer which is what I needed at the time anyway. It's still sitting on the shelf. I used my Brother Laser 1440 for the printing, aboiut 800 pages, and it sucked up all the ink cartridge which cost me $90. After the print run, I put it on the roadside for someone else. It was gone in an hour - good luck to them, not really suitable for winXp.

What OS are you using? Is there a reference in your BIOS for Legacy USB 1.1 ? If it is disabled then enable it. Not sure why but maybe the printer uses #1.1 and the scanner uses #2.0.

If your power Supply Unit in the Computer is insufficient to power up the device, this may also be your problem. It should be at least 550 Watts or 28 Amps. The only other thing is the printer may be faulty - but that is always a last resort for me.

Keep me informed.

hi burgerboy, do you have any printer software installed on your system? there must be a conflict of host services or system services that triggers the restart.. if you have some printer software installed and you don't use it.. try to uninstall and install your hp software..check if it will help...

or check this site.. to disable automatic restart


Hi everyone, just a quick note to say thanks everyone for your suggestions. By the way I am running XP Pro SP3. I will try all of your suggestions and let you know how it turs out.
Thanks Burgerboy

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