
I am having trouble logging in to Hotmail and this problem is manifested in both IE and firefox which I have recently just installed. It was working fine up until 3 days ago.

When I enter username/password at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot bb displayed' - though it is a valid account which I have been using for years.

I have run spybot and HijackThis and fixed any problems through them and also deleted cookies, temp internet files and history.

I also installed Firefox to see if this was a browser related issue but the same problem occurs.

Does anyone have courses of actions that I should try to remedy this problem?


I am having trouble logging in to Hotmail and this problem is manifested in both IE and firefox which I have recently just installed. It was working fine up until 3 days ago.

When I enter username/password at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot bb displayed' - though it is a valid account which I have been using for years.

I have run spybot and HijackThis and fixed any problems through them and also deleted cookies, temp internet files and history.

I also installed Firefox to see if this was a browser related issue but the same problem occurs.

Does anyone have courses of actions that I should try to remedy this problem?

Register the following system files
Click Start > Run
Type “regsvr32 softpub.dll (w/o quotes)
Press OK
Repeat the above steps for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

check this link

Hi Caperjack

Thanks for the suggestions,

I have tried the commands step by step as you suggested but am experiencing the same result as before. I go to www.hotmail.com and type in the user/password of my account which then gets redirected to the following URL ...


and after about 1 minute it finally ends up at


with 'The page cannot be displayed message' ...

Note that this seems to be a localised hotmail issue as my yahoo email account is still accessible.

Any further thoughts ???

Hi Caperjack

Thanks for the suggestions,

I have tried the commands step by step as you suggested but am experiencing the same result as before. I go to www.hotmail.com and type in the user/password of my account which then gets redirected to the following URL ...


and after about 1 minute it finally ends up at


with 'The page cannot be displayed message' ...

Note that this seems to be a localised hotmail issue as my yahoo email account is still accessible.

Any further thoughts ???

sorry ,just passing on the thing that worked for others ,never have a problem with hotmail myself

Hi There !!
I'm an ISP from Nagpur , India . Few of my customers were facing this problem . I've done some changes in their Firewall settings . I've "removed" denial to UDP 443 - 446 in the firewall . Denial to TCP 445 and TCP/UDP 135-139 remain . It has worked immediately on all machines . They were either using Tiny or D-link DI 604 Broadband Routers as firewalls .
I hope it works for you too .


I am having trouble logging in to Hotmail and this problem is manifested in both IE and firefox which I have recently just installed. It was working fine up until 3 days ago.

When I enter username/password at www.hotmail.com I get the message 'The page cannot bb displayed' - though it is a valid account which I have been using for years.

I have run spybot and HijackThis and fixed any problems through them and also deleted cookies, temp internet files and history.

I also installed Firefox to see if this was a browser related issue but the same problem occurs.

Does anyone have courses of actions that I should try to remedy this problem?

Hi Caperjack

Thanks for the suggestions,

I have tried the commands step by step as you suggested but am experiencing the same result as before. I go to www.hotmail.com and type in the user/password of my account which then gets redirected to the following URL ...


and after about 1 minute it finally ends up at


with 'The page cannot be displayed message' ...

Note that this seems to be a localised hotmail issue as my yahoo email account is still accessible.

Any further thoughts ???

I think I've got same problem


No luck I'm afraid.

This issue started a couple of months ago and has now stopped me logging into anyone's hotmail address on this PS .. I have up to date Adaware and AVG anti virus and spyblaster delpoyed. Although no firewall.

Anyway symptoms are as follows:-

type in www.msn.co.uk

Main screen appears OK except top right hand corner which is white with following message

! Action canceled.
Internet Explorer was unable to link to webpage requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable.

If I then click on the hotmail link on MSN .. it brings up the usual sign in page asking for address and password.

Type in the relevant details (for any hotmail account) - press OK

and I get a pure white display except for address bar which has this VERY Long address


In the past I got round this by typing www.hotmail.com into the address box and it would open up .. But now it just returns to the sign in page requesting password to be re-entered .. etc etc .. ad infinitum .. until system becomes unstable .. and blue screen death.

Any ideas ??

Please advise



In the end it was a router issue I think but not entirely sure. I found some posts on google about problems with hotmail and router settings (I have Linksys) and was to do with resetting the MTU value (mine is at 1500) - In fact I belive I changed it and then changed it back to it's original 1500 and that seemed to have solved the problem - hey presto. Sorry that i can't be any more explicit but you may want to try and change this setting and see what happens.

Good Luck!

Register the following system files
Click Start > Run
Type “regsvr32 softpub.dll (w/o quotes)
Press OK
Repeat the above steps for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

check this link

Hi tried all the steps

and encountered a message saying

'LoadLibrary (name of dll) failed'
GetLastError returned Ox00000485

for the following three dll

regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll

Any ideas ??



I had the same problem: the hotmail homepage came up but when i entered my usename and password it said the page cannot be displayed and also my msn messenger couldnt sign in. So here's what i did
go on your MSN messenger... click on tools>options> go to connection tab then click on advanced settings. uncheck all the four squares.... try that and see if it resolves ur problem. i hope that helped...

I am having the same problem, I have been to two other computers at internet cafes and have gotten the same "page cannot be displayed" error.

I just hope it's a server problem, in any case where can one contact hotmail's staff or help?

I had the same Hotmail/MSN problem. I found that i had a blocking script in my MsiExec.exe file that i removed and replaced. It has worked fine after that. It was the ONLY thing that worked for me. I tried lots of the other stuff reccomended and this was what worked.

How did you do this? Sorry but I'm not too experienced with this stuff, I just want to get my hotmail account working on my computer. Thanks

Definately was a router isssue for me, try hitting the reset button on your router anyone, it worked for me, thanks for the help.

Register the following system files
Click Start > Run
Type “regsvr32 softpub.dll (w/o quotes)
Press OK
Repeat the above steps for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

check this link

WORKS!!! This fixes my inability to access https:// or any SSL link.
Would have been nice to identify the cause but I won't look a gift-horse in the mouth. Thanks again!

I not able to log in after i have accessed the home page. This includes my bank, msn and some microsoft links. I am at my wits end. Can you help?

I was just about to format and start over after trying everything. Then I went into my router and changed the default MTU from 1458 to 1500. Now everything works (MSN, Hotmail, Windows Live Mesenger, Web Messenger and also Windows Updates).

Sorry for resurrecting this post, but I have been experiencing this problem (but not only with hotmail, but also some other mail accounts, my bank site, and sites like play.com too. It happens only in sites that require login through a secure conection -https- But, I can acces other similar sites just fine).
It must be a router problem, because two days ago, before installing the router (a Linksys WAG54GS) I used a cable-modem to acces internet and everything worked fine. I've installed the modem again , just to check, and everything worked again.

I've tried every solution I have found in the net: opening different ports, changing the MTU values, registering the system files, the hotmailfix.exe, etc. almost everything, and nothing has worked for me.
¿Any idea on what to do?

Thanks in advance.

Alright, almost every computer repair request I've had in the past 5 months was this problem exactly.
I don't know exactly what it is, or how I've fixed it. It seems to me that it is directly linked to Norton Internet Security. It seems to go haywire one day after it hasn't been updated it for a few months. I am quite sure that Norton is in fact Satan. Anyway, try going into services.msc and disabling each individual process related to Norton or Symantec. On most computers I've tried it on, it worked.

It seems to me that it is directly linked to Norton Internet Security. It seems to go haywire one day after it hasn't been updated it for a few months. I am quite sure that Norton is in fact Satan.

I am quite sure I agree with you! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Unfortunately your method didn't work for my particular situation. I had to do several more hours of research and trial to figure it out. But it would have been much longer without your tip.

As you allude to, just going to the uninstall Norton Internet Security icon probably won't work, as it will tell you that you need to sign in, but it won't tell you how to do that.

I had to start in safe mode, go to msconfig, disable all Norton and Symantec items in the 'services' and 'startup' tabs, restart in normal mode. Then uninstall Norton Internet Security worked and I restarted. Immediately after, the internet was alive!

Hooray for Harvest! BOO on Symantec for releasing this garbage, and then having the nerve to ask you to pay for it. I should bill them for removing their hooptyware.

Somebody may have reported a hotmail account as spam, and Yahoo blocked all connections to that server again.

I am on Yahoo too, and sometimes can not access eBay because someone reported one of those phake eBay emails as spam again. For some reason, the spam reporting software can't tell the difference between a phaked or spoofed email address and the real website.

I am quite sure I agree with you! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Unfortunately your method didn't work for my particular situation. I had to do several more hours of research and trial to figure it out. But it would have been much longer without your tip.

As you allude to, just going to the uninstall Norton Internet Security icon probably won't work, as it will tell you that you need to sign in, but it won't tell you how to do that.

I had to start in safe mode, go to msconfig, disable all Norton and Symantec items in the 'services' and 'startup' tabs, restart in normal mode. Then uninstall Norton Internet Security worked and I restarted. Immediately after, the internet was alive!

Hooray for Harvest! BOO on Symantec for releasing this garbage, and then having the nerve to ask you to pay for it. I should bill them for removing their hooptyware.

Awesome! Here's the most useful solution to that problem http://symantec/nrtremover
That's right! The solution is found at the heart of the problem. Using this tool, I have managed to fix 7 different computers all suffering from the same affliction... See, I had to figure this crap out since I'm the ERT at Staples.

Awesome! Here's the most useful solution to that problem http://symantec/nrtremover

I can't remember if that is one of the 3 removal programs I found on Symantec's website. But I did try 3 different options from them and they all failed. I would definitely say try your method first since it is much easier and safer for someone with limited experience with msconfig.

But if it doesn't work for others, I just wanted to let everyone know to try disabling all of the Symantec services as I described above afterward. Good luck to all extricating Norton from your systems!

thanks reli...
this reli solved my probs which haunted me for half a year!
the technicians said they can do nothing! shit!
u solved my probs!!!

Register the following system files
Click Start > Run
Type “regsvr32 softpub.dll‿ (w/o quotes)
Press OK
Repeat the above steps for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

check this link

Register the following system files
Click Start > Run
Type “regsvr32 softpub.dll��? (w/o quotes)
Press OK
Repeat the above steps for the following:
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

check this link

Well....I tried the zip file ..no success

I came across this problem before, and it was caused by bookmarking a page other than the main site entry page.

When they do a site upgrade, the old page still works, because they haven't removed it yet. But the links on the old page don't work.

Try typing in the real site home page url instead of using a bookmark, and see if that works.

I'm not smart. Followed instrctions and now can access hotmail. Cudos!!! I'm actually stunned it worked...for me.

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