QuickBooksDev 0 Light Poster

I have finally bit the bullet and I am now using Win7 Pro 64 as a development machine (thanks to a burnt out video card on my old trusted XP Pro (32) machine. Plus needed to stop getting 'out of memory' errors.)

I find the usuability/productivity very low. I understand that there is a learning curve but there is one issue that I needed resvolved.

Quick access to explorer (files) tree view.
On XP I had a shortcut as
%windir%\explorer.exe /e, "n:\Accnt\Code\POSeIntegrator"

This give me folder details of POSeIntegrator on the right panel and the folder tree view of n:\Accnt\Code on the left so I could easily go into another code folder.

It would put these short cuts in the 1 click quick start area and instant access. Very little looking for icons or drilling down, etc.

I cannot do this in W7.
The same shortcut gives me POSeIntegrator on the right (good) but only Computer with N being highlighed on the left (Bad).

I have tried other combos such as
"%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe " /root,n:\Accnt\Code\POSeIntegrator
but this gives me basically the same thing. No Tree view starting from the specified folder.

Each time I have to click, drill down and my muscle memory from years of XP just does not want to co-operate.

Any Ideas?