I've searched all over the internet attemting to find a solution, but nothing has worked for me so far.

Basically, on my main desktop computer, i have been running xp home, but i was able to purchase windows xp pro and xp pro 64 bit for $11.95 for both through MSDN academic. I decided that i would upgrade it to pro just for the hell of it. I wasnt doing a clean install becuase i have it the way i like it, and there are several folders i need to get off of that hard drive on the os partition. Anyways basically it is installing and it hangs at 34 minutes left. I dont know what to do from here.

So far i have:
-Retried the setup a dozen or so times
-hook up only one hard drive
-removed all external components besides keyboard
-removed all pci cards

I am at a real loss right now guys, anybody have any suggestions? I'm open to all! Thanks!

Just for the record, i ended up just doing a clean install of xp. AND i did manage to get my files because i had mandrivia 2006 installed. However, after the installation of xp it rewrote the mbr and there is no lilo to boot to linux anymore. Does anybody know how to fix this? or should i just reinstall mandrivia as well?

You have to boot into Linux using your setup cd. Then go into your control panel(I'm not sure how it is in Mandriva I know how to do it in SUSE because it happened to me all the time) and look for the boot options and reapply all the changes all over again.

hey thanks! i will try that tonight!

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