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DaniWeb, Photography, PHP & MYSQL, Web Design, Photomanipulation, Everything :)
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133 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vjcagay

It depends on what you want to do ... HTML CSS for web deisgn PHP for dynamic websites (or ASP) it's a long list .... Choose which field you want to learn more about to know which language best fits your needs.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Victoria_1

Hello Victoria_1 and welcome to programming in Java :) The "For loop" has the following form: for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++) for(initialize i to a number; compare i with NUMBER; increment i by 1) i++ is the same as i = i + 1 So if you …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

Dear Ronald, this is my first year of computer science, in my own experience of 2 years as a PHP developer and 1 year of JAVA: If you know how to use PHP as an OOP (Classes) this will skip a big part of learning JAVA. However there are some …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vani krishnan

hello, if you want something easy and better than movie maker, you can try Sony Vegas which is a software that can be used as drag and drop effects or professional editing. For an advanced use and professional editors, adobe premier pro and adobe after effects are the best. You …

Member Avatar for David_42
Member Avatar for SID5721

Hello, first of all learning html is very simple and fun, so to learn html tags, for example: <html> <body> <header> <div> <li> etc ... the best website tutorial (chapters with quizes) is Try to learn html and later you can try to group some tags to create a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jonow

Dear "jonow", why don't you just use the MVC frameworks ? All what you are talking about are included in those frameworks ... Wordpress (Not the best example) for example uses the MVC structure, and if you notice the link looks like this You can use .htaccess to modify …

Member Avatar for shophiarajan47
Member Avatar for cmps

I am coding a bbcode parser system. But I'm stuck with the nested tags. I would like to know if someone know the regex pattern to find for instance a [url] tag. Example: [url][url]Hello world .com[/url][/url]. I want the output for this to be <a>[url]Hello world .com[/url]</a> where [url]Hello …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello, I am using mysql as database, innodb as tables engine. Some of my tables have foreign keys referencing to other tables primary keys. Since the definition of foreign key is to restrict the value of itself, I would like to know if I should check the existence of the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cmps

Hey all, I have a query like this one: `select * from topic order by topic_view_time limit 10` the topic table has a PK topic_id and some other varchar fields. It also has topic_view_time which is int and has the value of time() (in php) updated whenever a user view …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Hello, there are lot of tutorial on youtube on how to create a website from scratch PSD => HTML CSS. Moreover, a lot of tutorial about this topic are provided by Please note that you have to practice a lot to be familiar with HTML CSS Good Luck

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cmps

Hey all, I would like to know why when having big data in mysql table, executing a query for the first time takes 0.1.. sec, but if executing again the same query later, it will take only 0.0006 sec ? Exemple: SELECT name FROM `users` where id > 310000 limit …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for swagato.datta

I don't think you can directly show the bold effect in the textarea. As JorgeM mentioned, you should manipulate the content in a seperate div tag or paragraph in order to display the change. So you should have another button called preview textarea.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

Hello, just use a normal `<input name="submit" value="Submit" style="border:none; background-image:url(...); width:...px; height:...px; text-align:right; padding-right:2px;">` remove 2px from the width since we added them as padding-right. I think you got the idea, try it and tell me

Member Avatar for João_5
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

I was looking for a Dictionary for algorithms, and here's a very good one. Rosetta Code is also a very nice website to compare codes in different programming languages.Thank you for posting these links.

Member Avatar for sanjit.dasgupta2
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Do u want to restart the server from ? I dont really understand that. But anyway why dont u stop and start the server again ? Or try to restart the server from administrator tools in control panel.

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

As I know, xml file must open in a readable way. What is the extension of the xml file, aybe it's zipped.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Angelo_1

Can u be more specific in what you want the user to do. Moreover, this page is for adding a new user as shown in the submit input. Just a quick information about update page, it's almost the same as the add page in any CMS. However in the update …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for somjit{}

Because div has a fixed height of 50px ... Theres a conflict where u dont want things to be displayed outside the div but u r forcing it with the p

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for profmuluka

Well, thank you for posting this list. I know the Smashing Magazine, it's a very usefull reference for web designers and developers.

Member Avatar for JamesCraft
Member Avatar for jelly46

Do you have Javascript enabled on your browser ? Try this: <a href="[YOUR LINK]" target="_blank"> Share on Facebook </a>

Member Avatar for jelly46
Member Avatar for allifields

Hello, you can create a subdomain or a new directory. To give your team access you can create them an ftp account to the particular directory. Do the same thing with database, create a new username just for your team. But all this is not 100% safe. I mean, there …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for cussel

!!!!! How would you know what is the index for a random input. I mean if you have $data[1000][100000] = 4566, will you loop 100000 times untill you find a value ? Please be more specific in you question!

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello all!! I am new to SEO, and after searching and reading articles and tutorials about SEO. I found that recently, after the Google Penguin algorithm was updated, many websites dropped because of the low quality backlinks on their websites. As a solution, I read that categorizing backlinks into Low …

Member Avatar for profmuluka
Member Avatar for dany12

Hello dany12 :) I haven't worked with Python before, but I have worked with PHP and tried different frameworks. For me PHP can do pretty much everything I need from building simple website to creating a dynamic website connecting to Database etc ... For PHP, codeigniter is my favorite framework …

Member Avatar for profmuluka
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello all!! I've been making websites for many years, and recently I decided to get more into SEO. So here's my question: I would like to know what happens if I wrote in the robots.txt: User-agent: * Disallow: / Sitemap: And in the sitemap.xml, there are thousand of links …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello all :) Some companies have just one domain name pointing to their website. However, some others have many domain names pointing to a single website. In SEO point of view, is it good to have multiple domain names poiting to the same website or one is enough ? And …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for cmps

Hello!! Recently I started using google webmaster tool for an ecommerce website. The problem is that google is displaying that some pages has duplicate meta descriptions. The pages that google is pointing to are: the product page and the review of this product. However, the meta description in the product …

Member Avatar for jobtardisportal
Member Avatar for msz900

In your 3rd block of code (Common for all other pages), you have started a session, then you included the login.php where you started the session again. Remove the duplication by deleting session_start in your 3rd block.

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for iv_jo

I didn't understand what you want! Your example is not clear, what do you mean by: > with ALTER i made columns but then when I am inserting values for example one column from one table with 4 rows and second column from other table with also 4 rows, in …

Member Avatar for iv_jo
Member Avatar for laura301019

ryantroop is absolutly correct. PHP does support writing in HTML inside its pages. So with this combination PHP & HTML, you would load tags and values from the XML file (with PHP), and you can decide how to display the loaded value on the screen (with HTML). Since XML file …

Member Avatar for cmps

The End.