163 Topics

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Member Avatar for chris007

Hi guys. I have a problem.. i am trying to transfer files from one computer to an other(yes i did port forwarding)..the thing is that if i use 1024-1(buffer) and 1024-1(buffer) in both programs it will NOT transfer any file..it will just create a file with 0kb. size.. So if …

Member Avatar for chris007
Member Avatar for Dark007

I wrote a server class and a client class. again i wrote 4 different JFrame class which were connected with each other and some Puzzle game codes were written on this classes. I want to add those classes with the server. and want to play those games from the client. …

Member Avatar for Dark007
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello everyone, I have problem with my simple android chat program when using different test debugging. I have two android emulators one reads SERVERPORT as 8080 and CLIENTPORT as 8082 and the other android emulator reads SERVERPORT as 8082 and CLIENTPORT as 8080 from a given txt file. Here there …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello again, I have been posting consecutively in these days nearly same topics, actually I am intern at a sofware company and our company ask to perform the proof of conception about sending voice call -at the beginning- and finally video calls, like walkie talkie application; as you have already …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello everyone, I progress step by step my problem, one step is passed -now I can send string datas -text messages- here another step is I want to record some audio sounds by using microphone in first android emulator assume phone1 and send to second android emulator-phone2-. I found whole …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello guys, I start to learn&code some basic small client/server console applications in java -especially in android- and also I try to learn Threads, in fact, I managed to connect 2 different machine by uploading different projects to these machines, for example one project only consists of client and the …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for nahsik

I am learning about networking and programming. I am trying to be a simple IM application. What i am trying to achieve having a server application route messages between computers over the internet creating a simple instant messenger. However i can't find any sort of tutorial for that. I want …

Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for learner_new

> this is my udp server code #include<iostream> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void error( char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main() { int sockfd; sockfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); struct sockaddr_in serv,client; serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_port = htons(53000); serv.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; char buffer[256]; socklen_t l …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for rayidi

We all know how to open a mailbox using `imap_open`. Here the problem is i'm creating a maill system here. I'm not able to find to create a mail account with `imap/pop3` in `php`. Is it is possible ? Assume suppose my domain is www.studentmug.com. I want to create a …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for twistercool

Good Day Everyone: I am creating a tabulating system for a bikini open. How can you create a client-sever application with database on server without using winsock control? One server for monitoring and document printing. I need client for multiple judges (atleat 5) you can add and remove. And a …

Member Avatar for twistercool
Member Avatar for nHulk

Below code includes both client and server code.... I am trying to read message from client and display it on server and vice versa......Problem i am facing is both the codes are executin but messages are not getting displayed ....help me import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class Client { public static …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for |-|x

OK, let me preface this by stating that this is for an internal application only, so security is not a major concern and we can/do have a fair amount of control over the users browser, operating environment and configuration. I am currently generating some hyperlinks, like this: <a title="L7489" id="MainContent_GridView1_lnkFolderR_1" …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for CPT

Heloo,this wil be my first post here, the reason for that is I can't figure this one out by myself public class Client extends Thread{ Socket socket = null; ServerResponse sr = null; private class serverResponse extends Thread{ InputStream in = null; public serverResponse(Socket socket) throws IOException{ if (socket == …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Gedeon82

Ahoi, I am currently developing a Flash client for SIP communication. My biggest help on the subject is the following website, where I have found a great sample program: http://www.voip-sip-sdk.com/p_97-flash-sip-client-example-voip.html The sample program is about how to make a Flash softphone for SIP communication. I hope you will like it …

Member Avatar for albertHankock

So I need to write an ping client and server for my networking class. Server code is running no problem but I'm a bit lost on my client code. I copy and pasted the server code because I figured it would be easier to modify.. Please check this out.....THE PROBLEM …

Member Avatar for livesinabox

What I am supposed to do is create a C program which implements a "dumb" Sliding Window Protocol Implementing Client Server Program. First the client and server establish a connection between themselves and then the client sends "RST" to the server. The server inturn sends its window size (10) to …

Member Avatar for djbuclkle

Hey guys, can't see what is wrong with my code, I keep getting the error Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html <html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html> [CODE]import httplib import sys import time #Initial connection to the server def connectingToServer(port, message, path): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('rpc248.cs.man.ac.uk', port) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': …

Member Avatar for bishisht
Member Avatar for jason316

I am having an error that I can't seem to get past. The problem I get is an internal server error 500 when I try to run the C++ CGI script. here is my HTML document. I am using Apache Web Server. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for desup

Hi, I'm developing app for Smartphones (iOS, Android and Blackberry) I'm contacting my server for php script, with local server, everything works fine, but with remote, I'm still getting an error: **faultString="Channel disconnected" faultCode="Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt" faultDetail="Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received** I have found out, this can happen if there …

Member Avatar for turpentyne

help! I'm trying to figure out how to verify looped form fields by name. This seems like it should work, but it's just skipping right past this verification step. Here's the code: <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function myForm(){ // …

Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok, im trying to PXE boot a thin client under Linux. Ive been using the following HOWTO: [code] tftpd cannot do PXE installs due to the lack of the tsize option, so we use tftpd-hpa instead: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq tftpd-hpa tftp-hpa openbsd-inetd xinetd bootp dhcp3-server sudo mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot cd …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jaffi034

my professor provided us with the java program so we could each compile it and run it on our computers. heres what i get: socketProgramming$ java TCPServer <--------name of program - TCP Server program started. - Server welcoming at port #: 6789 im trying to connect to my professors terminal …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for affordacall

Im currently making a webpage for my thesis.. its in HTML and on localhost, the system should be able to view a profile of the client and also do a task the should be able to open an application on the client's computer.. im running the webpage on wamp.. can …

Member Avatar for jalarie
Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys, I just started a hosting company and I wanted to know which is the best Client management program/plugin script to go with. Something that gives the ability to create invoices, links to make payments (maybe paypal), notifications, messages...something pretty basic. If you have a link to scripts that …

Member Avatar for Z33shan

hello :) it's been more than 4 days, i had been searching for php client library for facebook app development. all libraries, that i find, are outdated, (not supported by facebook anymore) and i get "undefined function........" error. so where can i get the latest php client library for facebook …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for earlybirdsean

Hi guys need urgent help. I am making a youtube downloader that downloads two or more videos from Youtube at the same time and I don't how to do it using System.Net.Webclient in C#.Net. Please post a code snippet. HELP!

Member Avatar for earlybirdsean
Member Avatar for bossie09

Im new to this and im working on a project which is to set up client/server network. Server: Windows 2003 Client: XP After adding users to active directory and log on to the client machine, I keep on getting this message "[B]Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the …

Member Avatar for bossie09
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I've been working with python's SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer a bit and I'm having some difficulty making a publicly available server. Everything works fine when I set the server address as 'localhost' [CODE=python]self.server = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer(('localhost', constants.cmdport), Handler)[/CODE] As long as the both the server and client are on the same computer and both …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for iraj.jelo

Hi my friends , i have written a program that in client section in error occures frequntly , i think the error comes from socket function in client . what i have to do? [code] # This is my server code , this code has not problem import asyncore import …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kchyn

Say I have a server, and multiple clients. Each client (same or different LAN) opens a program which connects to the server. I'm not sure how to ask my question, so I'll just write what I'm trying to do: (theoretical example) Server constantly listens for connection on port 2000. Server's …

Member Avatar for skilly

The End.