36 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

vb.net 2010 Windows Pro 7 ## Create a Video Library with an Embedded Windows Media Player ## I have close to 400 video clips in my home movie library. In order to quickly locate any given video I have added certain words into the file names. Even so, locating specific …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kubi081

I need to play video files which are located under client pc. For this I need to use embedded http server which will be setup on client. [embedded http web server is taken from here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20445/C-Customizable-Embedded-HTTPServer?msg=4370868#xx4370868xx)If there is more advanced one I would like to learn. I'm using jwplayer to play …

Member Avatar for kubi081
Member Avatar for Smalls

The topic is the question, is there a way to access embedded resources folder by name dynamically via string? The closest I think I've gotten is the following code which has error "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>' to 'string'", if i try to get the only folder it should return …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Emma_3

Everything works fine, but the outputted numbers are supposed to be asterisks instead of digits. Ideas? #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; int main () { int number = 0; char star = '*', stars = '*'; cout << "Please enter a base number to create the triangle: "; cin …

Member Avatar for samson.dadson.3
Member Avatar for coca99

Hi Guys, This is the first time I have just started with Keil C . Yet, I have no idea about this concept. Please clarify it for me. Thank you all. #include <stdio.h> #include "NUC1xx.h" #include "Driver\DrvGPIO.h" #include "Driver\DrvSYS.h" #include "Seven_Segment.h" #define SEG_N0 0x82 #define SEG_N1 0xEE #define SEG_N2 0x07 …

Member Avatar for coca99
Member Avatar for J_SON

Hi , I am trying to do a couple of bitwise operations on some hex numbers but for some reason i cant compile. Apparently, it wont be possible with my method: #include <stdio.h> float tv,lv; float nv = 0x01FE; int main() { tv = 0x7FFC; lv = 0x8000 & tv; …

Member Avatar for J_SON
Member Avatar for mdfaisalamin

Hi, I am trying to read a CAN Stick with a USB interface and I am connected to a sensor module. I have a program which transfer sensor data from the embedded controller to the CAN Stick. There is a program which use an internal queue to transfer data from …

Member Avatar for mdfaisalamin
Member Avatar for rc_new

I am designing a software with front-end **VB.NET 2010** and back-end **MySQL**. Please assist me i want to deploy this application as an executable file with the MYSQL database embedded. How can i do this. if anyone with step by step procedure i will be grateful. im a newbie.

Member Avatar for RvSon
Member Avatar for ayanbizz

I have a jsp page where I have embedded a video.Now I want a link to appear ,(after the video is played at least once) for the user to navigate to another jsp page. How will I do it? I have used <EMBED> tag to add the video to the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

We are planning to develop a small embedded product, which will be touch-screen and loaded with few applications which we will develop. Those applications will be contacting a database through wi-fi, and displaying data, and also update the database sometimes. The available flash or ROM memory will be limited, around …

Member Avatar for DoRight
Member Avatar for NeerajRaghavendra

Is There Any Compiler like a Cross Compiler Which Can Generate Machine/Executable Code That Can Be Executable On Different OS ?

Member Avatar for m1n1m3

Hi, I have a simple usb device that i can plug into a PC. The thing im looking for in user interface that is: 1) Multiplatform 2) Manages it own drivers (for plug in USB device) 3) No install file, a executable. The thing im looking for is like this …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for chandharrcs

I am a beginner.I have installed IAR Embedded Workbench "IAR-EW430-4201". Installation was successful. Now, I have started using it by creating a project and included msp430f449.h header file in my code. And When I rebuild the solution/project I get an error saying 'msp430f449.h failed to include' and tried to locate …

Member Avatar for gal7

I Have Email Sender Program and i want that the program could send email with images inside too. thanks

Member Avatar for divineelite

I am using ShellExecute(NULL,"open","control.exe","ncpa.cpl","c:\\windows\\system32\\",SW_NORMAL); to open the Network Connections window. That is working on my system which has Windows XP on it. But when I make a build for the machine on which this program has to run it doesn't work. It has Windows Embedded on it. I guess it's …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Francine Taylor

I have a file, "multi.ico" which has four images of different sizes (16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48). Each sized image is a different color, to make it easy to tell which size we are dealing with. This file has been inserted into a resource file "Multi.resources" using Lutz Roeder's .NET Resourcer. …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for MoZo1

Ok, so I want to port my code to windows mobile, and I'm looking for a tutorial. I would like compatibility with WM5, and WM6 is a must. So I'll use the embedded whatever. I've got Visual Studio 2k8 and the 3 addon required to do the job. I've also …

Member Avatar for complete

How is IXRTextBlockPtr used? I have a XAML file that is made by Expression Blend. But the Silverlight project that corresponds to it has to be in C++ instead of C# (it has something to do with being part of an embedded system). The automatically gernerated C++ code referrs to …

Member Avatar for maxxjr

I need to treat a 1D-RAM buffer as a 2D array of a different type than what was declared, and have questions on different methods and what provides best performance. Questions: 1. How to set things up so I can access an element by something like "ptr[x][y]"? 2. Would any …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

I have two tables representing two forms that are connected each other but a form number. The second form records a number and a timestamp. This form can record multiple entries with a timestamp for each entry. I need a SQL statement that will return the first entry on Form2 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for 612wharfavenue

I wrote this to trigger a video when an image is clicked, but its not working. Any help? [CODE] <head> <style> #movie {} #img {} </style> </head> <body> <embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" name="VLC" target="mymovie.webm" id="movie" > </embed> <img src=myimage.jpg" id="img" /> <script> var v = document.getElementById("movie"); var i = document.getElementById("img"); i.onclick = …

Member Avatar for parmarsanjayr
Member Avatar for 05026652

Hi guys, Basically Im working on a project using an ARM STM32 processor on a Keil eval board. Attached to it is a UC1601 GLCD screen. The problem that im having I want to be able to increase the size of the font, but im not sure how im to …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

[ATTACH=left]17212[/ATTACH]In the past, the word [I]embedded[/I] was limited to specialty devices that a lot of us used, but few programmers really cared about. Embedded devices meant things like the controllers on your microwave oven or the computer that ran your car's fuel injection system. There are certainly a lot of …

Member Avatar for charmmarkin
Member Avatar for coolshiva

hi everyone i need some example programs on UART in embedded c for atmega8 micro controller can anyone help me plzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for omarelmasry

I am currently working on a C# project that contains UDP and TCP connections, and outputs to a serial port,... etc... So I was thinking ... How hard is it to take a C# program and convert it somehow to be embedded on a circuit board? ... i.e: replacing the …

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Member Avatar for khess

Any list of best or worst will have its opponents and proponents and I foresee that this list of worst Linux distributions will be no different. There were, at last count, almost 300 Linux distributions and they all can't be great. But, this list of Linux distributions are, in my …

Member Avatar for shundamaoyi
Member Avatar for newsguy

Two headlines grabbed my attention today. The first proclaiming that Linux sucks while the second announced it was possible to boot into a full Linux OS in less than a single solitary second. Paul Rako [URL="http://www.edn.com/article/CA6720353.html"]reports[/URL] that one company, an embedded-Linux specialist called MontaVista Software, has gone step further than …

Member Avatar for faridali
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi all, Just wanted to knw what is embedded dotnet, how do we use it, and for what purpose do we use it. Please do refer me few e-books that can teach me embedding using dotnet. few links that cud have a basic information wud suffice ... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for wish4129

Hi guys, i would like to ask that is there anyway to embedded an excel file into a vb.net project? i know the way to read an excel file from vb.net, but i would wanna know is there anyway i can include the excel file inside the vb.net program. This …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

With the [url=http://www.daniweb.com/news/story251088.html]release yesterday[/url] of Intel's Core series of high-performance, power-efficient processors, makers of space-constrained, mobile and other embedded devices now have a new low-cost option for their designs. The multi-core CPUs, dubbed Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7, incorporate Intel's Hyper Threading technology for fast program execution, a …


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