1,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for mundetas

I have a query which has a prompt when you insert the year a graph on a report displays.My problem is that when I enter the date the same prompt appears two times after I inserted the year. Also when I what to print the graph it also prompts me …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for Mongooseman

I'm working with Access 2000. I have a form with data from a table, tblParts, and a list box with data from another table, tblRDM_Numbers. The two tables have a one-many relationship with tblParts.name as a foreign key for tblRDM_Numbers. I would like the list box to update every time …

Member Avatar for Mongooseman
Member Avatar for massivefermion

Hi I want to know how can I make my database that the user can add a field to a table from a form or sth? thanks

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for jmw229

Hey guys, Although I decided against using a listbox and simply just using a subform, I did spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get the listbox to store more than one values for that field. If the listbox multiselect property is on "None", it stores, …

Member Avatar for jmw229
Member Avatar for mars964

Hello, This was supposed to be easy but I could not get it! I need to create a calculated field in Access (preferably in a table or maybe a query) that calculates the BMI. I have fields for the weight in kgs and Height in cm. The formula is: BMI=(Wt(in …

Member Avatar for hiền muội
Member Avatar for rapture

Hello All, I'm wondering if anyone can help me by either directing me towards a source that would help me understand Access syntax better or help me figure out if it's possible to convert this SQL syntax to Access. I've tried but can't seem to get it to work. my …

Member Avatar for gtd
Member Avatar for adirocks2009

the heading says it all ... i have stored 6000+ entries in a DB and then now i wanna create a website that can search the DB and print relevant results. (the fields itself..) can anyone plzz help me or give an example for it... ------------------- There are like 6000+ …

Member Avatar for Mongooseman

I am currently developing an Access 2000 database for the purchasing department at work, and I'm learning as I go. The tables are all set up. I'm trying to create forms to update the tables, but I've run into a few problems. A simple example is the Parts table. It …

Member Avatar for MarcusMaximus

i have an access report with two sub reports. A text box in the main report adds 2 values in both sub reports together. One value is 10.22 and the other is 13.08 which should amount to 23.30 but the value is coming out at 23.29 which is off by …

Member Avatar for MarcusMaximus
Member Avatar for suretd

Good Day, I am using an Ms Access Database to design a StockTracker applicaton. The application is used to check the stocks of users. Firstly I need to sign on as an administrator and then be able to add users and their stocks to the database. I have created the …

Member Avatar for suretd
Member Avatar for maydhyam

Good Morning All, I am not an MS Access Expert, so kindly excuse my ignorance. I received a database which is unable to open on my computer (for whatever reason), but is able to open on 5 different computers. At first I thought it was an MS Office version difference …

Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for Andiswa

Hi all, I'm developing an online booking system. I'm freaking-out becasue this is my school assignment project which I'll be evaluated on but i'm pretty new in IT . I'm really struggling. I'm going to use MS Access as my db and Visual Basic.Net to develop the user interface. What …

Member Avatar for msnmnk
Member Avatar for shakthidhar

hii, da values in ms access should be multiplyed wit values given in text boxes in windows form application in c#.fr example: price of a book in access is stored as 50$, in c# form in textbox i entered 2, the resultant answer which i should get is 100$. how …

Member Avatar for Pabz

Have setup several ODBC links to local access DBs, and thought it would be just as simple wanting to link to an Access DB stored on my personal webspace, but no... Asks for username / password when I type in the url of the online DB in the ODBC setup, …

Member Avatar for spraveen2
Member Avatar for learnerAccess

Hi, I have a MS access 2007 form with two fields TEST_ID and TYPE and a button. When button is pressed i want to populate all the entries matching TEST_ID and TYPE in datasheet view from table Test_Data. For this, i have added code for SQL query in FindData_Click. I'm …

Member Avatar for desiguru

I have four to five different Databases and each one has its own forms. I want to make an HTML page which has Four buttons and when you click on any one of the button it takes you to the Appropriate form. How do I do this? Also is there …

Member Avatar for squeegee

Hello I've moved from graphic designer to static site builder and now want to begin exploring dynamic sites. I'm on a MAC and would like to use FileMaker Pro as my database app. Any comments? Thanks

Member Avatar for Bellezzabacher
Member Avatar for Audux

Hi, I've been asked to create a proof of concept for a new database tool we need to develop, combining various existing databases. It’s been awhile since I’ve touched any database work and I’m a little unsure how to go about it. Let me explain the problem...the analogy I’m using …

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Member Avatar for froy001

Hello all I am a total newbee to access so please bear with me if this is a dumb one. I have an unbound main form : frmTest. With fields : [CustomerId](autonumber), [PhoneNum](str), [CustomerName](str), [CustomerSurName](str), [StreetName](str),[StreetNum](str), [aptNum](str), [floor](str), [Notes](str), [RegDate](date) and a subform field called [FrmQryCustomerSearch] which uses DataSheet view …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for TBotNik

All, Have a set of nested forms/subforms in this order: frmMain => sfmMain => ifmTABset => sfmUSR => sfmSETcfg where sfmMain & sfmUSR are the control fields containing the subforms being called and the TAB control TabCtl0 resides in the TABBED form of ifmTABset. I am trying to open the …

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Member Avatar for jmw229

Hi Guys, I'm new to SQL and just know the basics. My boss has asked me to help him with a new system they are developing using MS. Access. In the form, the user enters their information as well as checks the applicable check boxes. When they have completed the …

Member Avatar for timothybard
Member Avatar for parvezkhan.157

sir, i m making a simple database in ms access 2003. i m using hindi krutidev fonts in labels & text box. please help me will any problems creat in futrur.

Member Avatar for HB25

Hi all It’s required from me to create a database for a company which have three branches; the company does repair and sale second hand cars. I have created the database with my tutor but I think there are things missing but I don’t know where they should go and …

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Member Avatar for JFunk

Hi, this is the first time I have posted a question. I'm really hoping for somebody to help me. I have a text box in a report that I need to populate via a function. The data required (OPENING BALANCE) is already in another query titled: "qryEOD Report Query". I …

Member Avatar for JFunk
Member Avatar for wurn

I dont actaully know where to post my question below, so this looked like the best place next to a "generel web discussion" forum but none found. OK, basically i need some advice from you guys on excately what steps i should follow on how to create a browser based …

Member Avatar for yssirhc
Member Avatar for yssirhc

I created a database within MS Access - no SQL code - and set a field to "Memo". When I go to my web app that inserts some form data into the database, if I type too much into that one field on the form, I get "Invalid Precision Value". …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

Hello friends, I want to clear a table by clicking a button on a form. I have created the query to clear the table but I cannot make it the source for the command button on the form. Is this possible? Thanks for your time and help.

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for jhackett

I have an Access 2003 database to track employee call-outs. I have to run the report for the current day and for the last 7 days. I only want to show the employees who have call-out more than 1 time in this seven day period. The report must run automatically …

Member Avatar for shar164

I can't figure out how to perform a calcuation in a query and have the result output for use in a chart within a report. Forgive me I'm a newbie

Member Avatar for firstbateyboy
Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF

I am using the following code to retrieve the last entered value from a table and insert it into a textbox called rf. The code below works but the DB remains open until I restart my computer. [code] Sub Page_Load() If Request.QueryString("VesselName") Is Nothing Then VesselName.Text = "Blank Name" 'some …

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The End.