Hi all
I have a website that frames other websites, but I have a problem.
My website is indexed in google but when I search my website in google, in the google result only this sentence e is appeared: "Free counter and web stats. " (its because of webstat javascript)
What can I do to change the result that google show below my website?

I don't know. If it is indexed by google than it shouldn't show this.

It's probably finding this small tidbit of information to offer the searchers because it is the only actual content it has discovered about your web page (seems like an ad of some kind). That's a problem with framing other content, the stuff you frame isn't part of your actual web page. You can try placing real content before the framed content in order to offer the search engine something concrete to use.

Your index has meta tags? When I design sites in flash I put them meta tags in the index with a html editor and they appears in google correctly.

Change you title and description meta tags.. Hope it will get resolved..

i agree with shaniadavid,
you can modify the title and description meta tags for a try..

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