Hello Friends...

I am using Windows 2000 Professional with SP4. My PC Ram is 128, 450 Prosesser.


When I working on my computer and have to go for a tempery work for some time. I need to stand by the computer. But i cant see this Option STAND BY in my Computer. I checked the "Power Management", But failed.

So there for I requested to all my Friends what I must do for this to make the Computer for Standby. :?: :rolleyes:


Kashif Rahi


What I think you are trying to do is have the system go into stand-by mode and have it go to sleep while you are away. I am not certain you will find that on a desktop system. You can try to go into the properties of the taskbar (the grey bar on the bottom of your screen) and into the advanced part, and see if you can check a box with the standby option. I know you can do this for logoff...

Perhaps a better way is to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL once, and then click on Lock Workstation. Then turn your monitor off.


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