I recently had a problem with spyware and had to have my system fixed. Prior to the problem, I had a Netgear wireless router connected to my computer with a connection to my daughter's computer. Presently, my daughter can access the internet, but I cannot.

When I check the Network settings, it says that I am connected, but I am receiving things, but I cannot send anything.

Help, what should I do? How can I fix this problem? I use my computer for work and I am dead in the water if I cannot access the internet.

:lol: :sad: :rolleyes:

It sounds to me that you are not been authenticated in the network. You may be connected to it but you are not part of it. You need to run command prompt (Start/Run) and there type “cmd this will open a black window where you will type ipconfig/all and them go to the other computer and do the same. Normally those router by default they use 192.168.X.X parameters. If the computer that is working has for example as main ip and the one that doesn’t show you are in to different networks. So you need to set your computer to take dynamic IP from the router. Please run this first and post the result to help you better.

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