78 Topics

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Member Avatar for maximchris

Hello, NOTE: I dont know in witch forum to post this, I'm sorry if i post it in the wrong one. I had to make a project a few months back for my school, that required me to create 3 3D objects (cube, sphere and so on) and apply some …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for bleedi

Hiya! I have a function that creates 3D meshes procedurally from the given parameters. It creates a four-sided box, which is (for example) 1.0 wide, 1.0 high and 100.0 long. The box is then subdivided into multiple parts, so if the aforementioned box is subdivided to three parts, it will …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for cassied

Hey everyone, Does anyone know of any good JavaScript 3D charts? I found a Pie chart that works pretty nicely (http://keith-wood.name/gChart.html), but now looking for a 3D bar chart. Thanks, Cassie :)

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for SgtMe

Hi all, I have a simple OpenGL program (learnt from NeHe of course) and I've tried to implement GLSL shaders into my program. Currently, its meant to draw a cube with a shader and quit on escape. However, at the line **`GLenum program = glCreateProgramObjectARB();`** it stops responding and closes. …

Member Avatar for TTTHXC
Member Avatar for nuclear

Just wanted to know if we need to texture map the texture on the model with code or is it better to just import a model with textures already on him? (considering its even possible)

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for skit091

Main form coding ;- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CS3DGeneratorSample { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void link_Image_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog.Title = "Open Image"; if (OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) …

Member Avatar for cbartondock

So, as indicated by the title, I have an interesting problem. In my 3d game I have several models -some of which are in world space (they are transformed by the view matrix, these models include asteroids, the home planet, the ship, etc), and some of which are in view …

Member Avatar for cbartondock

Hi, I'm an amateur programmer developing a 3d asteroid/space based game in xna. In my game I have a ship with a chase camera attached to it. Attached to the camera (and here I mean its position is calculated relative to the camera) is an arrow model that always points …

Member Avatar for cbartondock
Member Avatar for esdel

GoZ acts as a bridge between artists's creations made on Sculptris and the progs (such as Zdraw and 123D) that drive the 3D printer that makes them But despite dozens of websites boasting success, not one says how to ger GoZ Many thanks

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Batch File

I have a problem. My computer broke down and then I reinstalled Windows (XP). Since then my computer dosen't recognise my graphics card. It still works, but cannot display 3D anymore. Do I have to update the driver? I don't know, I tried it ,but I need to know the …

Member Avatar for dimsums
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I recently bought a 3DTV (today, in fact. Just waiting for it to arrive early next week) and the only thing I need is an HDMI cable which can carry a 3D signal since my current one is only v1.3 which I believe cannot carry a 3D signal. I know …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I wrote this 3D Breakout game as a sample project to learn both Python and the visual module, vPython. It is based on a similar game I had on my Amiga back in the 80s. I don't expect that my Python is either standard or as elegant as it could …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for dionisov

Hello, I'm currently trying to figure out how I can get the information in ASE file and put it in my own arrays. Heres an example of ASCII scene export: [CODE]*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT 200 *COMMENT "AsciiExport Version 2,00 - Fri Aug 26 13:58:27 2011" *SCENE { *SCENE_FILENAME "" *SCENE_FIRSTFRAME 0 *SCENE_LASTFRAME 100 …

Member Avatar for dionisov
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

Hi guys, I was requested to makes a 3D house plan, which a user can be able to move about in, using the keyboard or mouse. Like in games. I'm relatively good in Carrara, VB and C++ but I'm new to game programming. :S I need your help on how …

Member Avatar for Victormarques
Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hello, Can anyone please tell me how to divide a 3D Cylinder in equal parts. A Cylinder has three fields as defined in the API, TOP, BODY, BOTTOM. I have divided my cylinder in these parts. Now, i only want the Cylinder.BODY (i mean the surface of the cylinder) to …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hi, Can anyone please help. I am working on Java 3D Cylinders. I cannot color the different faces of the Cylinder differently. TOP, BOTTOM, BODY. All should have different colors. I tried it with different appearances but to no avail. [code=java] Cylinder c=new Cylinder(); BranchGroup contentBranch = new BranchGroup(); Transform3D …

Member Avatar for ARaza110
Member Avatar for sandysans

Digital art, and specifically the art of 3D, is still in its infancy compared with traditional forms of art. The landscape is constantly changing, and as a 3D artist, you have to change him. Maybe, someday, your creations will mold the future of art in 3D. Let's get started! Here …

Member Avatar for ARaza110

Hi, I am working on a university project which seems a little complex for my limited knowledge. But , its about 3D Cylindrical Trees. Every cylinder in essence consists of menu items and hovering over any menu item will open up another cylinder showing further menu items. Can anyone please …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am looking to make a 3D game, I have made plenty of fun ones in 2D using SDL but have yet to attempt a 3D (fps style) game. Does anybody know either a way to do 3D with SDL, or some other similar or easy to use library that …

Member Avatar for dvidunis
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey guys, I was wondering how I could make games with Java3D. I've used Java3D but only in static programs. How could I 'repaint' with Java3D (Make games and such)? Also, where could I learn more of Java3D? I've only learn't what I know so far from a few tutorials …

Member Avatar for elite01
Member Avatar for tsin

Hi, I'd like to add a GUI to one of my C++ codes. As the software should run under Linux and Windows I think about using QT. A special requirement is that I'd like to visualize 3D objects (triangular meshes). It should be possible to turn and zoom the objects, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

I was watching the java game tutorials by thenewboston on youtube but he stopped making them. Anyone know of any good tutorials for making java 2d or 3d games?

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

i want to make a 3D game in Java but the tutorials i was watching aren't being made and i don't know which 3D to use because j3d looks pretty bad... and i'm not new to Java just new to 3D.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Pinchanzee

I'm looking to create a 3D environment for an escape-the-room game that I'm making with Flash. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it with the 3D features of Adobe Illustrator but am unsure. I need to be able to move the view-point angle in the pictures to take the …

Member Avatar for Pinchanzee
Member Avatar for stemiros

Hi, I need some help with OpenGL and rotation. I have a 3D door surrounded by a holder. The holder needs to move with the door and rotate when it's not on the floor. After that the door must be able to open without affecting the holder. It's based on …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for king_koder

I'm just thinking of learning basic 3d modelling(just as a hobby) and wanted to know whether you guys recommend 3ds max or Blender. I do have 3ds max, but I mostly use Ubuntu rather than Vista.

Member Avatar for king_koder
Member Avatar for choover12

Is there a way i can create 3D graphics in c#? is there an API out there, built into c# or would i have to make my own? here is how i can create a cube [CODE] void drawcube(Pen mypen, Rectangle rect1, int size){ Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(rect1.X + …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for iamthwee

So blender 2.5 has a brand new slick interface. Enough to rival packages like modo and 3dmax. Any blender users here. What are your initial thoughts? [url]http://www.blender.org/[/url]

Member Avatar for ruleboy527
Member Avatar for MpG

Hello , I own a ati 5870 and I saw on the specs that it supports stereoscopic 3d.What do I need to get in order to use that feature.My monitor/tv supports up to 200Hz. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for awie10007

Scanning from a laser line and usb cam V Python fill up memory to 1.6G and crash the system Smaller Scan works fine is there a better plotting module or a way of getting past V Python memory block? The plot must happen in color xyz rgb. [CODE]import thread import …


The End.