653 Topics

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Member Avatar for prashant9928

Hi there, I am working on a project and want to resolve invalid form submition. i want to create a regular expression which can check each form value that must not have any string like as: '"abc.Xyz What exactly the regular expression should be?, for more information please feel free …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Yogesh_5

i want to create a table and fill the data inside. i have crated table manully using loop now i want to fill data inside it... how we can fill plz help Dim tmpcounter As Integer tmpcounter = pageLeft + Printer.CurrentY For x1 = pageLeft To 2036 Step 200 Printer.Line …

Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor
Member Avatar for noor_3

Hey, I never use any CSS file in VB...just wanna ask is that posibble? And for what i've found, in order to implement the css call we need to declare it in the master or content page rite?? well my badluck i dont have any of it..the project that with …

Member Avatar for junglefury

Hello daniweb, I would like to us if it possible to search using two boxes from listview in vb6… First text box is for company name then the second box is for Number…the idea is that search first in the first textbox(companyname) then the second textbox (number)will search based on …

Member Avatar for tbuchli

I'm trying to make a hit counter. I have it working but when I add it to my website, I get a web config. error... <%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for tbuchli
Member Avatar for imti321

I have created three tables used dataset to generate fields when i enter data it does get stored but when i close application and then reopen data doesn't show.

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Coudren

I had created a window application, finish debug and it work perfectly in my computer. I then copy a whole folder includes the .exe file to another computer which doesn't installed vb. When i run the .exe files, it doesn't work and pop out the statement below: *********************************************************************************** See the …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for raheel88

All, What is the most efficient way of writing several lines of data to a *.txt file? Currently, I store the required text in memory then write it all to a user-specified text file at the end, similar to the following; Dim text As String = "" text = text …

Member Avatar for dionterry
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form?

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

Hi everyone , I am doing a log in& registration form. And i am using a adodb connection. can someone pls tell me what is wrong with my code on the rst.open part, and what should i replace. Im trying to call the password from ms access and suddenly there …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Piotr_1

I was trying to find an answer for my issue over the net, but it was hard to find any relevant information. I'm in the middle of my school project and I got stuck in a dead point! I have a form which looks like this: http://i60.tinypic.com/24zjfpl.jpg I don't know …

Member Avatar for Learner010
Member Avatar for thirteen_xx

I did print screen so it'll be clearer. How will I record the information I input in my MemberInfo form into my MemberRecords form? [![![Click Here](/attachments/small/4/761b56a93f0d26f92a951d4149244e2b.JPG "align-right")](/attachments/large/4/761b56a93f0d26f92a951d4149244e2b.JPG "761b56a93f0d26f92a951d4149244e2b")](null)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Shodow

how to make this print fit to page my listview data doesn't fit in the page help please Private Sub PrintDetails(ByRef e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Static LastIndex As Integer = 0 Static CurrentPage As Integer = 0 'Getting the current dpi so the textleftpad 'will be the same on a different …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for ashwinshenoy

Hi All, I have just completed my project in VB 2008 express edition. Now I want the project to be converted to .EXE so that I can deploy it on other computer / laptop. Could any one please help.... Regards, Ashwin

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for 2jewel

Hello all, I am having an issue learning some things in visual studio 2013 asp.net using vb. I am following a fellows instruction on doing a report with a parameter. In this part of the code: Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for Sajjad_1

hi I want to make a query that first find the sum of two columns of different table then subtract it Example it is a visual basic program Dim large_tbl As String Dim sell_large As String large_tbl = "SELECT Sum(No_Of_Bottle) FROM add_cotton where Cateogry='Large'" sell_large = "SELECT Sum(Quantity) FROM Sell_Detail …

Member Avatar for Sajjad_1
Member Avatar for Sajjad_1

i have a program relate to account which subtract value of a Customer but problem is when the user amount is same mean ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ ============== John 200 Max 100 John 200 if i input 100 the result will be ================ ============ Customer Name Amount ================ …

Member Avatar for LeNenne

Hi I will from the database only copy some textboxes to excel to specifik place in the excel sheet Just those from the database surename,lastname,adress,zip,zipadress,prn only one at the time PS ! the excel sheet is an invoice one textbox to excel i4 = prn one textbox to excel f9 …

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

my problem is i want to show the picture from folder to image box but it need to find what picture depends on text box, If Right(filStudent.Path, 1) = "\Picture\" Then imgS = filStudent.Path + txtFind Else imgS = filStudent.Path + "\Picture\" + txtFind End If imgStudent.Picture = LoadPicture(imgS) but …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I went through many websites and did not find any converter that could purely convert C# syntax to VB syntax. However there are many converters available on the Internet but personally I don't think they are pure converters. Requesting all to please suggest some online tools/converters to achieve …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi Is there a way a vb form structure the same as its backgroud picture? Its same with making the form invisible and let its background picture remain Im trying to make a program that when it runs, it displays like widget. thanks

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Vaggelis

Hello everybody, Ι want to make an application that does multiple mathematical actions such as solving second degree equations and indentities I've created all the forms I need for it work but I cant create the main form that the user will use to choose what action will be executed, …

Member Avatar for Vaggelis
Member Avatar for suika

Hi, I am using VB6 and phpMyAdmin connected by WAMPServer for my system. I am new in this language. Here's the code in my that seems to be wrong: Private Sub cmdsubmit_Click() Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim strsql As String strsql = "insert into table1 ( surname, firstname, middlename, house, …

Member Avatar for hapticz
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi all, I am a naive programmer to VB and VB.Net, I have mostly used C# and now I am stuck at a simple point as follows :- CollectionView.CollectionChanged += Function(sender, e) RebuildSearchIndex() I don't have any idea how to replace "+=" as its showing some error. Requesting you all …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I am populating my frame from different pages and showing the output as a grid. Following is my xaml code :- <Frame x:Name="mainFrame" Grid.Row="1" JournalOwnership="UsesParentJournal" /> and xaml.cs :- mainFrame.Source = New Uri("Views/ProductsPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative); But I want to change the selected/unselected (focused/non-focused) row colors in this frame and …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for nel gomez

Good day, Just want to ask some help, Please! I always encounter "Cannot find Table 0" when i call Stored Procedure in DB2 using VB .Net with Ole DBConnection Provider. Here is my code: Private Sub cmdPost_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPost.Click rsSearch = clsDAOMngr.getConfigParam(2) For …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

i got a problem where i want use 2 form which form 1 is to find info in database and form 2 for show the data but when i use call form 2, the pop up appear as invalid below is my coding Private Sub cmdFind_Click() con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Fairus\Documents\docklet\my …

Member Avatar for GhostWolf
Member Avatar for lyndata

i am using employee table to test if i am doing the whole program correct. I have 5 buttons. one is to add records and another to save(commit), to update, to delete and to clear. I am having trouble with the code to save the record to the data set. …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for amvx86

Hello everyone, I'm writing up a new application that instead of using microsoft as a server, I'm using a linux server with a database in it. The database was setup, the tables were set up, and access was granted in mysql. The issue I'm having is that I keep getting …

Member Avatar for amvx86
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am trying to add the History page in my application which will work like as i shown below: 1st Column: (Date); 2nd column: (Login Time); 3rd Column: (Logout Time) I added the following code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

The End.