I've been having this problem ever since I installed Windows 2000 Professional from Windows 98SE. I've heard you should install the motherboard chipset drivers. I downloaded an update to my Intel 440 Chipset but It turns out I didn't need it. I don't know what to download now! Can anybody help?

I recently installed DirectX 9.0c and still nothing. Before that, the Direct3D tests I made when I had DirectX 8 showed that everything was fine. Now all I need is Direct3D Acceleration.

My Nvidia Riva TNT card supports all of this but it seems nothing is "available."

Any advice? Thanks.

How do you know nothing is available .. did you go to the dxdiag dialog and checked whether 3d acceleration is enabled or not ... I have the same card you have ... but no problem for me.

That's just the thing, it says nothing is available. I can't enable or disable it because it. Thank you for your words though :)

By the way, this is what the notes in dxdaig says.

No problems found.
Direct3D functionality not available. You should verify that the driver is a final version from the hardware manufacturer.

when you upgrated to 2000 did you install drivers for your video card .if not go to the manufactors web site and get the latest for your card .

I've been to nvidia's website and even driver guide but I can't seem to find anything. I've tried downloading a lot of drivers that I thought would work, but still nothing. Nvidia doesn't seem to be any help becuase I can't seem to navigate through there whole site. Their driver section offers nothing for my Video card.

You need to decide first if your display card is an NVidia Riva card or an NVidia TNT card. The two are completely different. Rivas use an older graphics chip on them. the TNT cards came later.

There's no such thing as a 'Riva TNT' ;)

That's probably where your problem is originating from!

Thanks for the advice :) That's wierd though, I just got the impression becuase it says the device name is Nvidia Riva TNT in dxdiag. Here what the log for my display device says:

Display Devices
        Card name: NVidia Riva TNT
     Manufacturer: NVidia
        Chip type: NV4
         DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
       Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0020&SUBSYS_00201545&REV_04
   Display Memory: 16.0 MB
     Current Mode: 800 x 600 (16 bit) (60Hz)
          Monitor: Gateway EV700
  Monitor Max Res: 1280,1024
      Driver Name: nv4.dll
   Driver Version: 5.00.2160.0327 (English)
      DDI Version: unknown
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
 Driver Date/Size: 12/7/1999 08:43:38, 530192 bytes
      WHQL Logo'd: Yes
  WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
              VDD: n/a
         Mini VDD: nv4.sys
    Mini VDD Date: 10/27/1999 07:23:38, 345040 bytes
Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4360-11CF-B277-5028ABC2C835}
        Vendor ID: 0x10DE
        Device ID: 0x0020
        SubSys ID: 0x00201545
      Revision ID: 0x0004
      Revision ID: 0x0004
      Video Accel: 
 Deinterlace Caps: n/a
         Registry: OK
     DDraw Status: Enabled
       D3D Status: Not Available
       AGP Status: Not Available
DDraw Test Result: Not run
 D3D7 Test Result: Not run
 D3D8 Test Result: Not run
 D3D9 Test Result: Not run

OK, I just did a little research and my memory wasn't serving me correctly. sorry about that.

But the NV4 graphics processor on your card identifies it as a first generation TNT card, and the driver you should use is the standard NVidia GeForce/TNT2 driver, i believe.

But have you installed Windows 2000 as an 'upgrade' over the top of a previous Windows 98 installation? (I'm not sure if that was ever possible, to tell the truth.) If you have, that would be the likely source of your problems. Upgrading over the top of a previous install is often troublesome, and bits of wrong drivers can corrupt things afterwards. when you move from one Windows version to another, it's best to format and start over in the process.

I'd suggest you look on NVidia's website, and when you get to the Driver download section for your OS, check the 'Driver Archives' link in the menu at left of page. I wouldn't advise installing a driver later than the Detonator 4x.xx ones for such an old display card.

Yay! It worked! I installed the drivers you said I should install Catweazle. Thanks a million! Keep up the good work man! :) You fixed all of my problems :D DirectX Acceleration is now enabled and I can play D3D now. I would like to give a sincere thanks to everyone in this thread for the advice. Keep it up!

Yeah i also need assistance so please tell me the name of the driver and how to get it. thanks

Yay! It worked! I installed the drivers you said I should install Catweazle. Thanks a million! Keep up the good work man! :) You fixed all of my problems :D DirectX Acceleration is now enabled and I can play D3D now. I would like to give a sincere thanks to everyone in this thread for the advice. Keep it up!

guys i've done what you've said, downloaded the driver for my card(which is a riva tnt model 64), but when i try to install the driver it says that the drivers suitable for my hardware cannot cannot be found!!! :S:S:S

guys i've done what you've said, downloaded the driver for my card(which is a riva tnt model 64), but when i try to install the driver it says that the drivers suitable for my hardware cannot cannot be found!!! :S:S:S

hi, that messageg usually indicated you have the wrong driver or you didn't direct the install to the correct folder with the drivers in it !

download universal drivers from the net. then after update your diplay driver from device manager and browse to the universal drivers location. it will then install your display drivers.
you can download it at www.ewarezteam.com or www. rapidlibrary.com.

let me know if u have any difficulties

and then which is the folder i'm supposed to direct the install to?

oh and what is this universal driver anyway?????
and i didn't quite understand what you're saying jokabobo :S

and then which is the folder i'm supposed to direct the install to?

the folder where you put the drivers when you downloaded them/or if a zip file where you unzipped them to ,basic computing

no that's not the problem
i downloaded the driver installation
i run the install,it extracts the files and then opens the install wizard where the problem appears

how i understand it, it says that it cannot find the current driver, right?

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