2,070 Topics

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Member Avatar for jatin24

I'm trying to find a way where the database name and the server name can be dynamic. I'm developing an application which uses C# and crystal reports. Both application and the reports use the same database which is setup on a separate database server. This application now needs to be …

Member Avatar for johnsonjeven
Member Avatar for xanawa

Hi, I am trying to call the '`getMembershipDetsPrice()`' php function in the html drop down list 'duration'. I tried to follow the W3schools tutorial but when I changed the value the html printed again. When the dropdownlist changed the value the label needs to be filled by the returned value …

Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Helllo I have a database acess (db) with column ID, Age, Sex, Name And a windows form1 (vb.net) with textbox as ID and a button "search". A second form2 having textboxes as ID, Age,Sex. Name When i enter ID no. with search buuton it should retrieve data from db to …

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Member Avatar for ryklon

Hello! I have a remote database that will be accessed through a client program. The thing is, I want the client to auto detect the IP Address of the machine where the database is located, so that when I initialize the value of my connection string it would be like …

Member Avatar for Alosh
Member Avatar for John A.

Hey guys, this is my first project since I completed [CodeAcademy's](http://www.codeacademy.com) Python course yesterday. Besides that course, this is my first time programming and I would really appreciate input on my program. I decided to create a database to help me keep track of the anime I watch. For this …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

Hi everyone , I am doing a log in& registration form. And i am using a adodb connection. can someone pls tell me what is wrong with my code on the rst.open part, and what should i replace. Im trying to call the password from ms access and suddenly there …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for punith_1

hi everybody... i'm creating some educational based website in which students results r displayed. but i'm willing to send result to there mail plz visit https://github.com/shaan7/vturesults can anyone explain how to use this code files in my database and made it to work in my website(similar to http://vtu.shaan7.info/)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for msagilliam1

Hello DaniWeb Family, A few years after obtaining my Master's in Business, I decided to completely change careers and go back to school for web design and development. I've recently completed a 2-year program where I studied VB, ASP.NET, C#, Java, SQL, Server 2008, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver among other courses. …

Member Avatar for msagilliam1
Member Avatar for Taras20

Hi, I have problem going through database (im using microsoft access) tables with BindingNavigator. Basicly I want to have BindingNavigator which goues through database tables (not the table rows) in DataGridView. For example if i press next button on BindingNavigator, I want to see next table in the database. I …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for jj.dcruz

i have to backup my database via php codes but i always ended up with an empty file? <?php include "connection.php"; $command = 'mysqldump -u root -p ***** –all-databases > dump.sql'; exec($command) or die(mysql_error()); ?> any help would be great

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Member Avatar for sushilsth

i am actually working for showing online for loged in user. This is my code: $qt="select userid from plus_login where tm > '$tm' and status='ON'"; $result = mysql_query($qt); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $uid = $row['userid']; $qt1="select first_name, last_name from signup where user_id='$uid'"; $result1 = mysql_query($qt1); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { $_SESSION['name']=$rows[0]." ".$rows[1]; echo $_SESSION['name']."<br>"; } …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lord0o

Hi, I need to save the inserted password on MSSQL as md5 encrypted one. Basicaly when the user inserts the password on the textbox, it must be encrypted before storing it on the MSSQL Database. How can I do that? This was made from DreamWeaver CS6. Thank you the code: …

Member Avatar for lord0o
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Member Avatar for thirteen_xx

"This database needs to track how often a member has used the golf course, and how many guests any and each member has brought to the club." ^That is part of our case problem that I can't figure out how to do it. I'm done recording each member or guest …

Member Avatar for om314
Member Avatar for netisland
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

i connect my access to vb2010 using adodb. but i cant display the datas in my listview. can someone help me to solve my problem. i would really appreaciate any help. what i need is to get the column per column datas.. like how it is shown in the access. …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends please help me... I have Three text boxes 1.Bank 2.Acno 3.Name I am selecting record from database where Bank and Acno are =(txtbank.text and txtacno.text) If any record found, the focus should go to the third textbox-'Name' else message "Record not found" should be displayed.I tried the following code …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a database which has multiple tables. I want all the table names to be displayed in a drop down html menu. I have a php function which I call on my html document. function namealbums() { $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); …

Member Avatar for dukumanis
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

If your Excel spreadsheet is laid out as regular columns and rows with a header row that identifies the columns then this code will allow you to read the data using ADODB the same way you would read records from a database table. To try this code 1. Create a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for babyluxe03

Im having difficulties in making a connection with my database. Can someone help me to resolve my problem. It says "Unrecognized database file format". I am using vb2010 ultimate and ms acess2013. :(

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I've written a small asp function that query's my database and returns data. I've tested the function and it does return the data correctly. I'm trying to figure out how I can then take that data and store it into my javascript array. I have this below but I can't …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys so basically what i want to do is populate a table with details from a database. That is part of the problem. When i write the php coding to do that the other elements on the webpage sort of disappear. Ill attach some screenshots to make it clearer. …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for deadsolo

Hi there, First off sorry for long wall of text, I just want to give as much context as possible so someone might be able to help me out. I am trying to create a simple helpdesk/ticket system using xampp/php/odbc/and a text file as my database the issue comes from …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for williamwalker

Hi all, I'd like to create an interactive voice response menu system on my own. I'd like to use my MySQL database. I have a found an interesting idea (https://ivrhttpozml.codeplex.com/), but it's based on using a webserver. In short, the previously copied guide presents a simple XML code (more exactly …

Member Avatar for williamwalker
Member Avatar for danieldake

Hello Guys. I am fetching some results from database and show into a page. This is a CodeIgniter Project. Here si the code for that: This is the view: <div class="product_view"> <form action="" method="POST" name="form" id="form"> <?php foreach ($get_product->result() as $key => $result) : ?> <h4>Product Name: <?php echo $result->product_name; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mavtcr

I have gone through the articles appeared in this forum on the above Area.But it didn't helped me much,As I am new to VB.net. In VB6 I have the following code and it works well. Private Sub CmbBank_GotFocus() CmbBank.BackColor = vbYellow LblMsg = "Select Bank" Dim A, B, C As …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for johnnyboy123

Hi everyone, I am quite new to vb.net. Recently, I've been learning about Oledb commands and it's ability to save records in a form to a database. So, I started a project and now I am stuck. Here's the scenario: The form comprises of several comboboxes, a listview box and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, so i didnt know how to phrase this question in google to get some clue so im just gonna ask here. And im also not sure if this is the correct place to ask because im not sure what language id have to use. anyway, i have a popup …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for roni137

Dear All Master, please help me for my first program that i want to create...i have problem for save from datagridview to access database...everytime i try to save , only first line have save...another not save...sory for my bad english language...thank's here my code.... Sub simpen() Dim i As Integer …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for deyb.dizon

.i'm dave and i'm working with some receiving and m0nitoring system like.,i develop a system but it is a individual machine or a stand alone system,which means it w0rks only on a single pc,.my problem is i want to convert it to be a client server system which i can …

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The End.