2,070 Topics

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Member Avatar for spoudel

Hello friends I am just a beginner and I need some easy ideas to get a head start in designing information system. Please suggest me some ideas for a good information system problem (that is, a problem that involves storing and retrieving data). If possible some idea about how to …

Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi, i was wondering how is working with MVC to put my website on the webserver!! I mean, my fear is about the database... if i make some change on my code and i wnat to put the project on the server, will i lose my data on the database …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for grakovski

Here is online demo - http://cs-bg.info/news/archive/ I want to show my news like that. (like archive for each year) I want to work with epoch time. Thanks for any help.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gabriel_4

Hi, I have some deals with this. I can't make this run. It says that "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB 12.0 is not registered on the local machine". I tried with diferent providers, but still not running. I tried installing the Access Database Engine Driver, and the application seems that don't want to run. …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Jemuel

please help i am trying to extract data from database into multiple columns but i can't get it. All your helps is very needed. Thank you! this will be the output (actual value of my serial table) 1233BED13DS01132 1233BED13DS00878 1233BED13DS00012 1233BED13DS00097 1233BED13DS01315 1233BED13DS00461 1233BED13DS00835 1233BED13DS00010 1233BED13DS01313

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ganesh641

i installed PHP version5.4.3 SQL server 2008 IIS7 SQLSRV version3.0 Drupal 7 SQLSTATE[42S02]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'watchdog'. This error occurs right after the following during Drupal 7.26 installation (shown in the error report). It hangs at the start of Install Profile: Installation tasksChoose profile(done)Choose language(done)Verify …

Member Avatar for Doug_Vann
Member Avatar for ZER09

hi everyone, could you give me an advice for hardware specs needed to run a small database server with around 40 to 50 users. actually the setup is the users maybe in other location. i need recomendation what specs, and what brands is the best, all including the router, and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for grafic.web

HI, ho can i do a select list from my table with MVC? Example database = mydatabase table = styles ID NOM show my select <selct name=aaaaa> <option value=ID>NOM</option> Thanks

Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi, i am looking for a full tutorial for MVC4!!! I need a complete tutorial where i can manage user registration and one list of articles with relative reviews!! Can anybody help me with this??? If you can tell me some links where i can find something like this (because …

Member Avatar for grafic.web
Member Avatar for Prakash.G

To integrate our data base with other site, I've got a xml coding (given below) but they require a JSP output steps and tips to achive that would be appriciated. TIA. <?php include('db_connect.php');?> <?php $query=mysql_query("select * from tbl_seat")or die(mysql_error()); $xml="<libraray>\n\t\t"; while($data=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $xml .= "<From>".$data['fromloc']."</From>\n\t\t"; $xml .= "<To>".$data['toloc']."</To>\n\t\t"; $xml .= …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Prakash.G

I'm trying to connect mysql database through API, and I'm using the following coding. I could't get the proper access to the database. Do I need to create a JDBC to the database or is there any other options available? <%@page import="java.sql.DriverManager"%> <%@page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%> <%@page import="java.sql.Statement"%> <%@page import="java.sql.Connection"%> <% String …

Member Avatar for milil
Member Avatar for Orgil_1

I have a problem been a long. I am totally lost what is wrong! It does not give compile-time error. But it just doesnt add data to database. register.php <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My First Web site</title> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <link …

Member Avatar for Orgil_1
Member Avatar for fx.eko

how to create a report with data from duatabase on the same server or different servers, using SQL Server 2000, using the **crystal report 8.5** or **data report of VB6 ** For example I have table A and table B with the same table structure, table A is stored in …

Member Avatar for fx.eko
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Earlier I raised a question in this forum regarding the sorting of database and Reverend Jim answered me as follows. It was Ok SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY fieldname But then I faced another problem As I mentioned in that I wanted to sort ORDER by 'Tdate' which is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Seba Sama

Hello, I need to start using databases with c++. I know in VB or VBA is simple and easy to find tutorials. I've done a lot of database apps in VBA and VB. I couldn't find help for c++, only for vc++. I use Code::Blocks and mingw. If anyone knows …

Member Avatar for Seba Sama
Member Avatar for Valentina_1

Hello, my website is created almost intirely in php, its dynamic and we have everything working under mysql database. It has printable cuppons for free, the coupons are inside a form, everything works perfectly. Now im trying to find a (php preferably) script that will count how many times that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for petermwaniki

hi am currently learning java on my own and am kindly assistance with code for a database search button. thanx for help

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends I met with a problem...Please help I have a table 'Tran' in Access Database which has several fields of which one is 'Date' I added several records through programm on different dates.Everything OK. All the records appeared in a chronological way ie.Earlier to Later order . Later I deleted …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for sonunclejalil

my problem is i want to show the picture from folder to image box but it need to find what picture depends on text box, If Right(filStudent.Path, 1) = "\Picture\" Then imgS = filStudent.Path + txtFind Else imgS = filStudent.Path + "\Picture\" + txtFind End If imgStudent.Picture = LoadPicture(imgS) but …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for darne_1

A php code sent a query to the database say credentials from login page for verifying and something was returned say TRUE OR FALSE as status. Now my question is, if I do not know the code of the developer who wrote the login form, does there exist any way …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for yAjMeL

Hello there.. I want to backup my database (MySQL) using a command button in VB6...How can I do that? thank you for answering... :)

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for masterjiraya

I have a project that must have centralization of databases that will have access to the web on a PHP script. I can merge MSSQL and MySQL databases if and only if they were both: 1.) On a same server or 2.) Of the same server type The problem is …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am thinking about making my own social network recently. Now I have a few questions... Q1: I have used php and asp.net before and liked them both, never really used python for web development. I am thinking about making a smallish social network but also want to expand it …

Member Avatar for masterjiraya
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I'm trying to connect to my database using PDO but for some reason it keep coming back saying "Undefined variable: db_c" db_c is the variable I've chossen for the name of my database connection. I've placed the database connection in another file, and I'm trying to connect to …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Hello friends..please help me I have two identical Tables in my Database (Access) Table 1.Salup , Table 2.Salup1 . All the fields are identical My problem is:- I want to copy/append 1. All the records 2. selected Records agreeing certain criteria(eg."Sex=Male") From Table 1 to Table 2. through VB6 code.I …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for markii.borabon

..im new in PHP and and I want to know how to create html form that sends file(images) to phpmyadmin(database) consider that you have to choose the database first from the dropdown list of database.. then display it's table after choosen it.. please help.. here must be the sql flow.. …

Member Avatar for markii.borabon
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to create a database. After creating the Table [Design], I've went to the Table [Data] to add items to the database, ran the program to check if the database items show up, they do. Then I stopped debugging, went back to the table to add more information to …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for neha05

I am inserting the csv file into the database but it not inserting in proper way,the coloums are merged into each other,im not getting where im doing mistake .please help me in that my code`Inline <?php //database connection details $connect = mysql_connect('localhost','root','123456'); if (!$connect) { die('Could not connect to MySQL: …

Member Avatar for neha05
Member Avatar for Yanny_1

Hi! Anyone can help me about my problem on HOW TO UPDATE TABLE USING THE CONTENTS FROM ANOTHER TABLE? Thank you in advance for those who can help me. Anyway, I'm using VB.Net 2010 I hope you guys can help

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for YumnaZia

I have tried every possible way of connecting the database to the program, but its just not happening! Help me please :( final static String fileName ="Netlync.mdb"; static{ try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); String url = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ="+fileName; con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"",""); }catch(Exception exx){ exx.printStackTrace(); }} private static Connection con;

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.