820 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, I have questions and want to clarify these before creating an e-commerce website. Are statements below correct? 1. I need to buy SSL certificate to provide HTTPS pages in my website. 2. I need to contact my local bank to enable me providing online payment things for users. …

Member Avatar for vincent2085
Member Avatar for HemaniRaheel

Hey i want to start my own business at Ebay but as i am from Pakistan and paypal is not available in Pakistan so is there any alternative of paypal through which i can easily do my business at ebay and are there any more sucessful auction sites?

Member Avatar for povidiu
Member Avatar for slfisher

A recent study shows that, while the consumption of online pornography doesn't vary a lot between states, the states with the highest rates are the ones that are more conservative and religious. [URL="http://people.hbs.edu/bedelman/papers/redlightstates.pdf"]The study[/URL], by Benjamin Edelman, assistant professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, controls for the amount …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for newsguy

In the USA, according to the Digital World Digital Life study, housewives spend around 38 percent of their spare time on the Internet. Bored British housewives, however, spend a whopping great 47 percent of their leisure time online. That is more time online, by the way, than students (39 percent) …

Member Avatar for dbabes
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Symantec's research on the apparent rise in the 'black market' for goods on the Internet makes for interesting reading. That's 'interesting' if we take it to mean 'nothing much has happened so we might as well read it in case there are any odd findings'. The interesting thing for me …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Historically, here in the UK at least, the electronic and gadget online marketplace has ruled the roost when it comes to consumer spending. However, according to one new survey, now it is milk and bread that are selling the most. Statistics from the largest discount voucher code website in the …

Member Avatar for vikasbe2001
Member Avatar for happygeek

The quick answer is no, at least according to well respected security guru and Chief Research Officer at F-Secure, Mikko Hypponen. The slightly longer answer is that dealing with organised crime on the Internet is not as easy as you might imagine, and bringing cyber criminals to justice can be …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The UK economy has [URL="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/uk-economy-grinds-to-a-halt-906524.html"]officially ground to a halt[/URL], and is in danger of heading for recession. In the second quarter of the year growth was, well, zero actually. That means that the longest period of economic expansion in British history, some 16 years of it, has come to an …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Markets are down about 50 points in mid-afternoon trading on Tuesday, mostly due to investor worries about continued woes in the financial services sector. In short, nobody is buying the notion put forward by Wall Street optimists that the credit crunch – now one-year-old – is coming to an end. …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Erik Anderson and Rob Landley are at it again. The guys who brought us the [URL=http://busybox.net/]BusyBox[/URL] toolset for resource-constrained Linux and Unix systems, together with the Software Freedom Law Center, have filed yet another GPL enforcement lawsuit for copyright infringement. This time it’s against [URL=http://www.extremenetworks.com/index.aspx]Extreme Networks Inc.[/URL], a maker of …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I just love stories like [URL="http://uk.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUKSP20465620080731?feedType=nl&feedName=uktechnology"]this[/URL]. There's a survey in Australia that demonstrates how few companies bother responding to e-mailed queries. Apparently some 60 per cent of large organisations simply don't bother answering questions sent by mail. I have to declare some amusement here. In 1997 I edited a work …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.verdict.co.uk"]Verdict Research[/URL] has published a report which suggests that the credit crunch is benefiting web-based businesses as consumers in the UK flock to the Internet in search of money saving bargains. With £15bn ($30bn) spent online by UK consumers in the last 12 months, [URL="http://www.startups.co.uk/6678842909857992097/online-sales-rise-by-a-third.html"]according to the research[/URL], this equates …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.nochex.com"]Nochex[/URL] has been providing secure online payment services to small and medium businesses in the UK ever since 2001. It seems to take security seriously, as anyone dealing with your money should, with encrypted data transfers, encrypted data storage and servers at the same highly secure location as used by …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Retail stocks should see even a bigger bump this month -- and possibly into 2008 -- due to an increased demand for a product that basically didn't exist a dozen years ago -- gift cards. That's the big news coming out of "Black Monday", the newest holiday on Wall Street's …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The holiday shopping season seems to have started out with more of a bang than a whimper - - especially online. That wasn’t the scenario painted by the ever-negative mainstream media, who published wave after wave of articles bemoaning the lousy economic climate and predicting a disastrous holiday shopping season …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

We've all heard of search engine optimization, or "SEO". That's the online search engine mechanism that allows online businesses to seed their web landing pages with key code words to entice visitors and shoppers. One big SEO term this week is "Black Friday" -- the day-after-Thanksgiving shopfest that launches the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Okay, you have to admit, I called that one. In our last blog, I pointed out that a tight money supply could prevent companies, especially smaller ones, from getting money to grow their businesses, make new hires, do more research -- that sort of thing. I said that if companies …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

August 9, 2007 was a tough day on Wall Street, with stocks falling 400 points on increased credit concerns over the struggling mortgage lending market. On the same day insurance giant AIG released a report showing that borrowers in the category just above sub-prime were showing increased residential mortgage delinquencies. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for SpectraLeper

Intel continues to prove their commitment to chip evolution with the [URL="http://news.com.com/Intel+moves+closer+to+flash+memory+replacement/2100-1006_3-6176959.html?tag=nefd.pop"]demonstration of new phase-change memory[/URL]. A possible replacement for flash memory, PRAM uses [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalcogenide_glass"]chalcogenide glass[/URL] to switch between 1s and 0s. This method could theoretically allow for faster and smaller chips, while using less power. PRAM will also last …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to an in-depth study by the [URL="http://www.socialfuturesobservatory.co.uk"]Social Futures Observatory[/URL], anti-bank feeling is running so high in the UK that 74% of Brits would consider borrowing or lending money through a social lending community in preference to their high street bank. In the ultimate case of old concept finds new …

Member Avatar for Danny

In a recent survey conducted by ACNielsen International Research, record numbers of entrepreneurs are using eBay ([url]http://www.ebay.com[/url]) to supplement or earn their living entirely on the site. According to the survey, over 724,000 Americans use the site to earn their primary or secondary source of income, and another 1.5 million …

Member Avatar for Danny
Member Avatar for digitaldesperad

Hello, I need some suggestions about ecommerce store i have a client he is currently using ashop commerce, please suggest any better shopping cart main area to focus is - easy to use (design, backend management) cost effective, good reviews, secure, bandwidth,managing customer, bill data, reports and provide many more …

Member Avatar for Jeba sam
Member Avatar for UserQ

Hello! Sometimes I need send sms on short number, this number have special tariff. That's why I would like find some service how can provide it for me. I to do that for my more privacy. If you don't understand I can show example what I need.

Member Avatar for jenn11
Member Avatar for peterstrauff

Cheaply! The system administrator ready to remote work (freelance) in the hosting company or in the dedicated servers provider! I have over 7 years of experience in the system administration. I worked with most of the control panels as ISPManager Pro, cPanel, ISPConfig and etc. and operating systems: Linux (Debian, …

Member Avatar for joseph001

The idea of working in the virtual world is definitely enticing Imagine the comfort and convenience that you will get to enjoy by working at your own preferred time and space Joseph

Member Avatar for hawash
Member Avatar for eantz

Hi, I'm developing a new online store now and I choose Joomla Virtuemart as its base. The maintenance is quite easy but I still found some problem that I can't solve. First, I can't set the virtuemart component in the start up page when I call my site. Users have …

Member Avatar for Egypt web
Member Avatar for php_noob

I am completely NOOB on this certs, But which do you prefer in SECURITY and PRICE?

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for punknigeria

I have a lot of my clients who wand to buy things and pay with credit/airtime crdited on their phone but i don't have the platform to do this can anyone help me out here please. If some buys a T shirt and want to pay but you have to …

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Paypal released is new Adaptive Payment API which now competes with Amazon's Flexible Payment Services. It is supposed to be more flexible for adaptation. Which API would benefit most to e-commerce sites?

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for eramgarden

In our E-Commerce app, we have a page that customer service uses to place orders. Customers call and place orders. Customers can also place orders thru the main website. Either way, we save the items in a "Basket" object. Users can remove items from it, add to it. This Basket …

Member Avatar for syahrizal

The End.