14,054 Topics

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Member Avatar for JRM

hello, I am S L O W L Y working through learning/writing a JS project. here is the core issue.: [CODE] var pt =<? echo json_encode($prt);?> alert(pt) // for diagnostic purposes [/CODE] json is flattening the PHP array to be used in the script. However, the alert shows me that …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for freelancelote

Hi, I'm starting playing with javascript and bounce to some problems. The script tries to read the <p> background color that is set using stylesheet and set a global variable with this value for later use. It seems that the variable does not instantiate (and btw. there is more than …

Member Avatar for Daniel_Crouse

Hey there I was wandering if somebody chould help me becuase I would like to know how to change a forms action when you click on a button ? Or... How to load a new form in the same webpage when you click on a button? I have managed to …

Member Avatar for Daniel_Crouse
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

is it possible to have php code within jquery or do i have to use ajax to grab the values. ex of what i was trying [CODE] function blah() { //Creates the name tag $("#newitem").append("<tr><td><fieldset><legend><select name='produce'><option>--Select--</option><?=produce();?> </select></legend><table width='200'><tr><td>Ammount</td><td>On Hand</td><td>Cost</td></tr><tr id='txtHint'></tr>"); } [/CODE] as you can see that i have a …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for handyman_uk

Hi everyone i am looking for some help with a little java script i am no programmer so i need alot of help i have a marquee tag on my page that slides in some text from right to left once and the stops and remains on the screen have …

Member Avatar for handyman_uk
Member Avatar for E-AN

I need to validate two forms containing multiple input fields but want just one error message if any of the fields are left blank, the page is required to submit the users details (registration form). Also if any of these fields are left blank i don't want to be able …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for imclumsy

Hi I am new to javascript and I am trying to get rid of an object expected error. Here is the line I'm getting an error at [code] <td></td><td></td><td align="center">To print this quote click <a href="/broker/OfferSummary.asp?QuoteKey=<%=vQuoteKey%>" target="blank" onChange="enablePRINT()" checked = "checked"> HERE.</a></td> [/code] here is the function enablePRINT() [code] function …

Member Avatar for imclumsy
Member Avatar for amitverma

i am using the following JQuery function to successfully POST data to the user_submit.php file, its just that the php file is unable to receive the data. [CODE] $(function() { $("#submit_js").click(function() { $.post("user_submit.php", { comment: $("#comment").val() }); }); });[/CODE] upon finishing the Firebug consoloe shows this: [CODE]<html> <body> Your vote …

Member Avatar for furutani
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Why this code doesn't work? All I want to do is removing all the white spaces. JavaScript [code] function validateForm(){ var postcode1 = (document.form1.textPostcode1.value).replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); if (postcode1 == "") { alert ("ERROR"); } else { alert ("CORRECT"); } } [/code] HTML [code] <form name="form1" action="save.php" method="POST" onSubmit="return validateForm()"> POSTCODE: …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Arianna

Hey. :D I've written a page which uses Ajax to let a user type in HTML on one side, and have the html be shown completely on the other side. It works well - that is, until the user wants to use CSS styles in the head. As it is …

Member Avatar for GReddy4u

If a mod comes across this thread feel free to delete it, I've re-posted it in the html forum since it has more to do with html, although it does deal with js as well. joshsonunionsquare dot com/index1.php I just added a 3rd button on the main section titled 'Photos' …

Member Avatar for sanm

Hi I am trying multiple related selects using coldfusion and javascript. I have four dropdown list first one is related to the second one and thrid one is related to the first one. It is working as per expected if i have two drop down lists which are related to …

Member Avatar for hajjo

Hello, when the page is being opened I want loading.gif image to appear. Then when loading is over and page is opened I want that image removed from the page ( loading image) anyone got sample code?

Member Avatar for avirag

I have an application in which reads the system date and if I increase the system date by 1year ,then the application expires and stops working....... I have a javascript file in which functions for this expiration period..... Kindly tell me how can I modify this code so that no …

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for boot-baby-boot

Hello,i have a question.I am designing a web application and here is a screenshot in png.[url]http://twitpic.com/uc9ha[/url] My question is,i want the email and password form fields to bie as big as i have indicated.What css do i need to have to make them to be of that size?. Thank you.

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for thebluestar

[CODE] <html> <head> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var arr = new Array(); var sortedARR = new Array(); // FORM to input the number of names document.write("<form name=\"TEN\" method=\"\" action=\"\">"); document.write(" Please enter the numbers of names u want to input:<input type=\"text\" name=\"NoName\"> "); var No = document.TEN.NoName.value; var N; N …

Member Avatar for thebluestar
Member Avatar for chaines51

Ok, so I have a very basic (low footprint) logging system. However, one thing I cannot figure out is, if I write a log to [icode]fatal()[/icode], then I want the script to quit executing, period. Is there anyway to do this?

Member Avatar for apollokid

Hi All, I have a question about generating results in fields automatically without submitting or onclick onblur etc.. Just the result would generate and show as soon as I start filling in fields. example I would like to fill out my size qty and have the result show in field …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for fuchsia555
Member Avatar for oneat

Does ajax support pages on pulpit for example ?? I mean without server. Read from HDD ?

Member Avatar for solway

Hi guys First time posting here. Have been enjoying all the resources available to us, very helpful. My problem: Recently started learning css / java - i have a web page with an iframe on the index pages within a div tag, which then loads all other pages into this …

Member Avatar for Gianni^^
Member Avatar for johny321

I want to work in jSP & have no idea. can any one guide me or suggest me how to start or share with with me its free tutorial & online video lectures as well. Second thing what i need to install on my Pc to run a java Script …

Member Avatar for Peran

Anyone here using Visual Studio 2008 to edit Javascript files? Wheneven I try to edit a .JS file (regardless of whether I've created it inside VS2008 or imported it), I get the tab with the file name, but the content doesn't update. I just see the contents of the previous …

Member Avatar for Peran
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Ive been using some httpRequests but have gotten tired of writing the 'preparation code' for every request... so I thought I'd make a function that accepted a URL, and a list of parameters and would return the responseText variable... But what seems to happen is that my other code …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for inquisitivemind

I am not sure if this is the right forum (if it is not please suggest the right one.) I am trying to design an application that will run in a location with intermittent connectivity. I want data from this intermittently connected location to a master location which has a …

Member Avatar for mehrab

I want to make a comment box in a web page which will take a comment from the user and save it to the database and show all comments including new comment without reloading by ajax or jscript. Please help me someone with coding. Please.

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for jonow

I am using [URL="http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/"]XSPF Web Music Player[/URL] slim, and whenever I put it into a web page and play it using Google Chrome or Safari the song starts playing twice. When i press the pause button one instance of the song keeps playing while the other keep going without any …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for qnstner

Hi! I have a bunch of variables that collects data from an external source. Each variable retrieve data from different locations. I want to pass all this data to either a table or to options in a select box. Can only the data who has been changed be updated? If …

Member Avatar for qnstner
Member Avatar for jino

Hi all, How can i get the value of a specific text in a select box. example 16 of text OEC using jquery, I am not getting the value correctly <select name="categories" id="categories" class="validate"> <option value="0" selected="selected">&lt;--select one--&gt;</option> <option value="57">OBC</option> <option value="16">OEC</option> </select> I had tried For example something like …

Member Avatar for furutani
Member Avatar for prakash.pipil

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <?php $_REQUEST["chkhob"]; if(isset($_REQUEST["btnsubmit"])) { $choise = array("cricket","football","polo","tennies"); foreach($choise as $key => $val) { //var_dump($_REQUEST["chkhob"]); if(in_array($val, $_REQUEST["chkhob"])) { $chkbox[$key] = "CHECKED"; } } $result = implode(" , ", $_REQUEST["chkhob"]); echo "Your Hobies: $result"; …


The End.