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I love Twitter, and post a lot of links to security related stories via my [URL="http://twitter.com/happygeek"]@happygeek[/URL] account. But now I am getting a little worried that I might suffer the same fate as a well known, and highly respected security expert. Mikko Hypponen is a familiar face around the security …

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I read on a blog about how RSS may be out. I dont know about you but I actually subscribe to many blogs and I look forward to reading or at least glancing my Google Reader's headlines. Yes, I dont have time for all the feeds but I do scan …

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We all come on this forum to ask questions and discuss possible solutions and strategies and occaisionally we will mention a success story related to those topics. But why don't we all post a win or an accomplishment so that we can all be inspired. I will kick this off. …

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I found this blog on Duct Tape Marketing that has some really positive numbers about social media adoption by small businesses. It might be helpful (I know I am going to use it with some of my clients) if you have clients who are small businesses and don't think that …

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And if you are would you care to share any interesting tidbits you may have picked up on? While some outlets are covering the festivities I always find that the big name stuff is covered while the more interesting niche stuff is ignored. So if anyone is or was there …

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It would appear that a political activist from New York has been arrested by the FBI in connection with helping orchestrate G20 summit protesters in Pittsburgh. According to [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/04/man-arrested-twitter-g20-us"]The Guardian[/URL] the man, Eliot Madison from Queens, has been charged with hindering prosecution after helping G20 protesters evade police by using …

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Does anyone have any experience setting up social media presences for realtors? I have a friend who is an independent realtor and she is looking for ways to expand her reach. She knows I work with social media and asked my advice. As I have not worked with realtors in …

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I was just reading that in November of last year the one billionth tweet was...well...tweeted! Sometime in the last 24 hours the [B][I][U]five billionth tweet [/U][/I][/B]was tweeted. Do you think that the rapid growth is because of the trendiness of tweeting (thanks to Ashton Kutcher, OchoCinco and a host of …

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Apparently, women are more than twice as likely to go online and vent when stressed than speak to their partners. That's according to the results of a recent survey which also suggests that when stressed many women go and blog instead of turning to alcohol or chocolate. The survey, conducted …

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A few threads back we were discussing possible FTC regs that would require bloggers to disclose if they were being compensated for blogging about products or services. Well, as is the case with the internet community, a solution has been created. [url]http://cmp.ly/[/url] The link above will take you to a …

Member Avatar for slfisher

The 2008 presidential election featured a new emphasis on using the Internet, ranging from raising money to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219553.html"]advertising[/URL] to getting support. It's still going on. Facebook, in particular, due to the ease in which people can set up affinity groups, is proving to be a new source of online activism, …

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I was watching TV the other night (I have Dish Network) and I saw a commercial for placing targeted TV ads on Dish Network through Google TV ads. I checked out the Google TV ads info (including watching a really quick informative how-to video) and discovered that is built along …

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I was to attend a recent event in NYC that was to be the introduction of a new online community in the US. The company, similar to DaniWeb, has been around for 10 years. Unlike DaniWeb, they charge their community members a yearly fee. Because of a sudden death in …

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As we all know DaniWeb has a new look and feel and I like it. It also allows users to include tags on post and responses. From a SEO perspective, tagging helps content be crawled by engines. But how many of us actually tag content outside this site?

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We all know that any lead helps with this economy. Online job boards are full of job seekers who are really looking. But I read on a site about how social media has helped job seekers find jobs. There are many job related twitter accounts and also other karma related …

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I just read a Comscore report stating that the click through rates for display ads have gone down throughout the years. Hence, if this revenue stream is being diminished, will this push companies to start charging members for membership? I remember this was done in the early 2000s and those …

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In the last 2 days on Mashable it has been reported that new user and unique visitor growth has leveled out for both Facebook and Twitter (both are below 2% growth per month in the US over the last few months). Linkedin, however, is growing at close to 6% monthly …

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I found this through one of my Linkedin Groups. The links is to a short, somewhat general blog post from a company that is offering social media community building services. The one line I thought was funny (weird, not haha) was where he mentions how your prestige in offline social …

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I just came across a thread in one of my linkedin groups asking if anyone had participated in a 4-week, online course in getting the most our of social media. There is a panel of experts teaching the class and they refer to it as a university. I will not …

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As many of my clients use tweetdeck to monitor their own followers and the accounts they follow, I am interested to see some of the new functionalities from the new release in action. Has anyone played with them yet and if so what do you think?

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I found this interesting blog post through one of my groups on Linkedin and I wanted to share it with everyone. Here is the link [INDENT][url]http://www.relationship-economy.com/?p=6591[/url][/INDENT] The basic premise is that in the world there are either creators or copiers and that is social media if you simply copy other …

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If you have not heard yet, there was a study coproduced by Comscore and Group M about social media and paid search. [url]http://www.scribd.com/doc/20703026/The-Influenced-Social-Media-Search-and-the-Interplay-of-Consideration-and-Consumption[/url] Above is the 6 page link. Basically it found that social media increases visitors consumption on context, experience, and increases click through rate.

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[url]http://www.digitaltonto.com/2009/chaotic-social-networks/[/url] I found the blog linked above and thought I would share it to get everyone's thoughts. The author basically says that the chaotic nature of social media si the secret behind its success. What do you think?

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With the exception of Digg, all the major social networking sites had more women than men. I wonder why? Why do you think so? Personally, I know I have been on social networking sites since 1992 via Usenet and IRC. Yes, you might not have heard of these two, but …

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Mashable is reporting that despite recent innovations and a new CEO, MySpace has lost almost 20% of their unique US visitor traffic since June. This equate to a serious loss of income for their parent company and while Mashable states that the site will probably not disappear totally it is …

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[url]http://mashable.com/2009/10/10/facebook-poke-arrest/[/url] In a society that has become as litigious as ours, this was inevitable. If you read the link above you will find out that a woman has been charged with violating an order of protection for poking someone on Facebook. If found guilty, the woman could get a month …

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It seems the FTC has issues new regs covering the review of products by bloggers. Below is the link to the Yahoo news piece on this. Basically, under the new regs, bloggers who are reviewing products have to disclose if they are paid in cash, gifts or freebies for their …

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We all know majority of businesses are jumping into social media. The question is: "When is it not appropriate to do so?" I personally dont recommend it for certain type of businesses like funerals, unless you are adding sending a gift. What do you think?

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I just read on a blog about how Fox News had a blogger and this blogger developed a strong following. The importance about this blogger was that the visitors to his blog also visited other pages of Fox site and this is what content publisher sites really desire - to …

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I just read today that Twitter's traffic grew [URL="http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Search-Engines/Facebook-Sees-Nearly-200-Visit-Boost-While-Twitter-Traffic-Also-Soars-794088/"]over 1,100%[/URL] from Last Year. Additionally, there has been some talk about Twitter rolling out some new features like "geolocation API" and "Lists." Personally, i think Twitter is a great tool for aggregating all the news, information, and people I am interested …

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The End.